Complete Knowlege Of Lasik Surgery

Lasik surgery


Lasik surgery is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision. It is a very popular procedure that has been used for many years. The goal of the surgery is to correct refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist, which is a doctor who specializes in the eye. Lasik surgery is a very safe and effective procedure, but it is important to understand the risks and benefits before making the decision to have the surgery. In this blog post, we will explore everything you need to know about Lasik surgery. We will discuss the risks and benefits of the surgery, as well as what you can expect before and after the procedure.

What Is Lasik Surgery?

Lasik surgery

Lasik surgery is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision problems. It is a permanent solution for those who are looking to improve their vision. The surgery involves the use of a laser to reshape the cornea, which is the clear, outermost layer of the eye. This helps to bend the light that enters the eye in the right way so that it hits the back of the eye directly. As a result, images become clearer and sharper.

Lasik surgery can be an effective treatment for a variety of different vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It can also be used to treat presbyopia, which is a condition that causes people to have difficulty reading up close. Lasik surgery is generally safe and has a high success rate, with most people achieving 20/20 vision or better after surgery.

If you are considering Lasik surgery, it is important to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist or surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will be able to determine whether or not Lasik surgery is right for you based on your specific situation and needs.

How It Works

Lasik surgery is a type of refractive eye surgery that is used to correct vision problems. It is a very popular procedure and has been used for over 20 years. Lasik surgery works by using a laser to reshape the cornea, which is the clear outer layer of the eye. This helps to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes, and most people see an improvement in their vision within a day or two after surgery.

Pros And Cons of This Surgery

Lasik surgeryLasik surgery is a type of vision correction that has many benefits. However, like any surgery, there are also some risks involved. It is important to be aware of both the pros and cons of Lasik surgery before making a decision to have the procedure.

The biggest pro of Lasik surgery is that it can correct a wide range of vision problems. Whether you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism, Lasik can help improve your vision. In most cases, patients end up with 20/20 vision or even better following the surgery.

Another big advantage of Lasik is that it is a relatively quick and painless procedure. The actual surgery only takes about 15 minutes per eye, and most patients report very little discomfort afterwards. Recovery times are also short, with most people being able to see well enough to drive within 24 hours after their surgery.

There are some risks associated with Lasik surgery, as with any type of surgery. These risks include infection, dry eyes, light sensitivity, and potential vision loss. However, these complications are rare and usually treatable. Overall, Lasik is considered a safe and effective procedure for vision correction.

If you are considering having Lasik surgery, talk to your doctor about the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.

The Different Types Of Lasik Surgery

There are four different types of Lasik surgery, each of which is best suited to a different kind of patient.

The first type is conventional Lasik, which is the most common and widely-available form of surgery. This type of Lasik corrects both nearsightedness and farsightedness, as well as astigmatism. It is safe and effective and has a very high success rate.

The second type of Lasik is custom Lasik, which uses wavefront technology to create a more detailed map of the eye. This allows the surgeon to target the corrective laser treatment, resulting in a higher level of accuracy. Custom Lasik is often used for patients who have higher degrees of refractive error, or who have particularly difficult prescriptions to correct.

The third type of Lasik is presbyopic Lasik, which is designed specifically for patients over age 40 who are beginning to experience presbyopia or age-related farsightedness. This condition can be effectively treated with presbyopic Lasik, allowing patients to once again enjoy clear vision at all distances.

Finally, there is refractive lens exchange (RLE), which is a surgical alternative to Lasik for patients who are not good candidates for the procedure. In RLE, the natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). This type of surgery can correct even severe refractive errors, and can also be combined with cataract surgery.

How To Prepare For Lasik Surgery

It is important to consult with a qualified Lasik surgeon to find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Once you have decided to proceed with surgery, there are certain steps you can take to ensure the best possible outcome.

Before surgery, you will need to have a thorough eye exam. Your doctor will also need to measure the curve and thickness of your cornea. These measurements are used to determine the amount of tissue that needs to be removed during surgery.

You should avoid wearing makeup or perfume on the day of your surgery. You will also need to remove any contact lenses or glasses that you wear. It is important to follow all of your doctor’s instructions prior to surgery in order to minimize the risk of complications.

During surgery, a small device called a microkeratome or femtosecond laser is used to create a flap in the cornea. The surgeon then lifts the flap and uses an excimer laser to reshape the underlying tissue. The flap is then replaced and allowed to heal naturally.

Most people experience some degree of discomfort after Lasik surgery, but this is usually temporary and can be managed with medication. You will need to avoid rubbing your eyes for at least a week after surgery in order to prevent dislodging the flap. You should also avoid swimming or using hot tubs during this time period.

Your vision may be blurry immediately after surgery, but it should improve within 24

The Recovery Process After Surgery

Lasik surgeryAfter your Lasik surgery is complete, your doctor will likely place you in a recovery room where you will be monitored for a short period of time. Once you are released from the recovery room, you will need to have someone drive you home as your eyes will be very sensitive to light.

Most people experience some discomfort after their surgery, but this is usually mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. You will also likely have some blurriness and light sensitivity for the first few days.

It is important to follow all of your doctor’s instructions during your recovery to ensure that your eyes heal properly. This includes using eye drops as prescribed and avoiding rubbing or touching your eyes.

Most people see a significant improvement in their vision within a few days of their surgery, but it can take up to several weeks for your vision to stabilize completely.

Potential Risks And Complications Associated With Lasik Surgery

Lasik surgery is a very popular and effective way to improve vision, but it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. These can include:

Infection: Lasik surgery involves making a small incision in the eye, which can increase the risk of infection. This is usually rare, but if it does occur it can be serious and lead to vision loss.

Flap complications: The thin flap of tissue that is created during Lasik surgery can sometimes become dislodged or displaced. This can cause vision problems and may require additional surgery to correct.

Dry eyes: Lasik surgery can sometimes result in dry eyes, which can be a bothersome side effect but is usually not serious. Artificial tears can help alleviate this symptom.

Night Vision problems: Some people may experience difficulty seeing at night after Lasik surgery due to changes in the shape of their cornea. This typically improves over time, but glasses or contact lenses may be needed for nighttime driving in some cases.

Overall, Lasik surgery is safe and effective for most people, but it’s important to be aware of these potential risks before undergoing the procedure. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have and make sure you understand all the possible side effects before making a decision.


In conclusion, Lasik surgery is a type of refractive surgery that can be used to improve vision. It is safe and effective, but there are potential risks and side effects associated with the procedure. Talk to your doctor about whether or not Lasik surgery is right for you.
If you are considering this surgery, it is important to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist or surgeon to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure. They will be able to determine whether or not Lasik surgery is right for you based on your specific situation and needs.

Lasik surgery is a quick and relatively painless procedure that has a high success rate. Most people achieve 20/20 vision or better after surgery. There are some risks associated with Lasik surgery, but these are rare and usually treatable. Overall, Lasik is considered a safe and effective procedure for vision correction.

Generally, Lasik surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. For other information and guidance, please connect with MantraCare. This platform offers the most advanced Lasik options. If you have any questions on lasik surgery feel free to reach out to us at +91-9711116605.


Lasik Surgery

भारत में बेस्ट लेसिक सर्जरी पाएं | टॉप लेसिक डॉक्टर

लेसिक सर्जरी एक प्रकार की अपवर्तक सर्जरी है, जो दृष्टि को सही करने के लिए उपयोग की जाती है। आमतौर पर इस सर्जरी को एक नेत्र रोग विशेषज्ञ द्वारा किया जाता है। यह एक डॉक्टर हैं, जो आंखों के उपचार और देखभाल में माहिर होते हैं।

लेसिक का अवलोकन

लेसिक या लेजर-असिस्टेड सीटू केराटोमाइल्यूसिस दृष्टि सुधार या चश्मा हटाने के लिए एक सुरक्षित सर्जरी है। यह आंख की असामान्य स्थितियों जैसे मायोपिया, हाइपरोपिया और दृष्टिवैषम्य के इलाज में उपयोग की जाने वाली एक आंखों की करेक्टिव सर्जरी है। इस लेजर आई सर्जरी में स्ट्रोमा नाम के कॉर्निया की एक परत को फिर से आकार दिया जाता है, ताकि रोशनी रेटिना पर ज्यादा सटीक रूप से फोकस कर सके। यह आंखों की सर्जरी आंख के सामने वाले हिस्से को ठीक करने के लिए बहुत ज्यादा काम करने वाली लेजर और परिष्कृत उपकरणों के साथ ठंडी पराबैंगनी किरणों का उपयोग करती है। आंखों के लिए लेजर उपचार आमतौर पर एक दर्द रहित प्रक्रिया है और दोनों आंखों के लिए उपचार में मुश्किल से लगभग 20 मिनट लगते हैं। यह एक आउट पेशेंट प्रक्रिया है, जिसके लिए आपको अस्पताल में भर्ती होने की जरूरत नहीं होती है। इसका मतलब है कि सर्जरी के बाद आपको उसी दिन छुट्टी दे दी जाती है। साथ ही आप अगले दिन से ही अपनी सामान्य गतिविधियों में वापस आ सकते हैं।

मुफ्त परामर्श

लेसिक के उपचार की कीमत का अंदाजा लगाएं

  • Hidden

लेसिक किन स्थितियों का इलाज कर सकती है?

कॉन्टैक्ट लेंस और चश्मे की तुलना में इन त्रुटियों को बेहतर तरीके से ठीक करने के लिए लेसिक असरदार प्रभावी साबित हुई है। आमतौर पर लेजर करेक्टिव आई सर्जरी निम्नलिखित समस्याओं को ठीक करने में मदद करती है:


मायोपिया [निकट दृष्टिदोष]

मायोपिया या निकट दृष्टिदोष आंख की एक ऐसी स्थिति है, जिसमें आंख पास की वस्तुओं पर पूरी तरह से ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकती है। इस समस्या वाले लोगों को दूर की वस्तुओं पर फोकस करने में कठिनाई होती है, जिससे सिरदर्द और आंखों में खिंचाव के साथ-साथ दूर की वस्तुओं की पहचान नहीं कर पाने जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। मायोपिया के लिए आंख में सुधार करने वाली लेजर सर्जरी का उद्देश्य मूल रूप से रेटिना पर प्रकाश को ठीक से केंद्रित करने में मदद के लिए कॉर्निया को समतल करना है।

हाइपरोपिया [दूर दृष्टि दोष]

हाइपरोपिया या दूरदर्शिता कई मायनों में मायोपिया की विपरीत स्थिति है। इसमें आंख दूर की वस्तुओं को साफतौर से देख सकती है, लेकिन आस-पास की वस्तुओं पर फोकस करना करना कठिन होता है। अगर मायोपिया की तरह हाइपरोपिया पर जल्द से जल्द ध्यान नहीं दिया जाए, तो गंभीर सिरदर्द और धुंधली दृष्टि की समस्या हो सकती है। हाइपरोपिया के लिए लेजर आई सर्जरी का मुख्य उद्देश्य आंख को लंबा करना और आंख की फोकस करने वाली पावर को बढ़ाने के लिए कॉर्निया को थोड़ा तेज करना है।


दृष्टिवैषम्य [एस्टिग्मेटिज्म]

दृष्टिवैषम्य यानी एस्टिग्मेटिज्म एक बहुत ही जटिल शब्द की तरह लग सकता है, लेकिन इसका सही मतलब आंखों का पूरी तरह गोल नहीं होना है। आमतौर पर दृष्टिवैषम्य में आंखों का घुमाव पूरी तरह से सममित नहीं होती है और कॉर्निया अनियमित होता है। कॉर्निया में अनियमितता की वजह से रोशनी चारों तरफ बिखर जाता है और दृष्टि में विकृति पैदा हो जाती है। आंखों में दृष्टिवैषम्य को ठीक करने के लिए लेसिक सर्जरी बहुत फायदेमंद है। इस सर्जरी में कॉर्निया के अनियमित भागों को चुनिंदा रूप से बदलकर आंख की गोलाई को सुचारू और समरूप बनाया जाता है।

आंखों की लेसिक सर्जरी की प्रक्रिया

लेसिक प्रक्रिया एक विशेष रूप से प्रशिक्षित आंखों के सर्जन द्वारा की जाती है, जिसमें शामिल हैं:

  • सबसे पहले सर्जन माइक्रोकेराटोम का उपयोग करके एक कठोर औक पतला टिका हुआ कॉर्नियल फ्लैप बनाते हैं।
  • गंभीर कॉर्नियल ऊतक को दिखाने के लिए फ्लैप को वापस खींचते हैं।
  • एक यूनिक प्री-स्पेसिफाइड पैटर्न में कॉर्निया को फिर से आकार देने के लिए सर्जन एक्सीमर लेजर का उपयोग करते हैं।
  • बिना टांके के गंभीर कॉर्निया पर फ्लैप को सुचारू रूप से वापस रखा जाता है।

आमतौर पर लेसिक प्रक्रिया में लगभग 20 मिनट लगते हैं। सर्जरी के बाद आप मरीज को घर ले जाने की योजना बना सकते हैं।

आंखों की लेसिक सर्जरी के फायदे

भारत की लगभग आधी आबादी को दृष्टि की समस्या है। हालांकि, अब इसे ठीक करना आसान हो गया है। ऐसा इसलिए है, क्योंकि लेसिक सर्जरी व्यावहारिक रूप से सभी दृष्टि समस्याओं के लिए एक सुरक्षित और उचित समाधान प्रदान करती है। लेसिक सर्जरी के कुछ फायदे इस प्रकार हैं:

  • मरीज की बेहतर दृष्टि के लिए लंबे समय तक चलने वाले नतीजे।
  • बिना चश्मे के बेहतर लुक पाप्त होना।
  • चश्मे या कॉन्टैक्ट लेंस से छुटकारा पाने का बेस्ट तरीका।
  • यह प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह से दर्द रहित, ब्लेड रहित, सुरक्षित और यूएस-एफडीए अप्रूव्ड है।
  • सर्जरी के एक दिन बाद मरीज जल्दी ठीक होने पर अपने सामान्य समय पर वापस आ सकते हैं।
  • सर्जरी के लगभग एक दिन बाद आपकी दृष्टि में सुधार होता है।
  • लेसिक सर्जरी के बाद कोई ड्रेसिंग या टांके लगाने की उम्मीद नहीं है।

आंखों की लेसिक सर्जरी के विकल्प

स्टैंडर्ड लेसिक

यह लेसिक सर्जरी के लिए बेस स्टैंडर्ड है। इस मेथड के तहत एक ब्लेड का उपयोग करके कॉर्निया में एक फ्लैप बनाया जाता है।

फेम्टो लैसिक (ब्लेड फ्री)

यह स्टैंडर्ड लेसिक का एडवांस वर्जन है, जिसकी वजह से यह सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया आज की सबसे उच्च स्तर वाली लेसिक सर्जरी है। इसमें कॉर्नियल फ्लैप बनाने के लिए ब्लेड का उपयोग नहीं किया जाता है। इसके बजाय फ्लैप बनाने के लिए सर्जन फेम्टोसेकंड लेजर का उपयोग करते हैं। यह पूरी प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह से स्वचालित है। इसलिए, फेम्टोलेसिक के साथ उच्च स्तर की सुरक्षा और योग्यता की पूरी गारंटी है।


स्माइल एक फ्लैप रहित, ब्लेड रहित और बिना पट्टी वाली सर्जरी है। इसकी रिकवरी में आमतौर पर कुछ दिन यानी लगभग 7 से 10 दिन लगते हैं। एक स्माइल के साथ बाद में सुखी आंखों के प्रभाव भी कम होते हैं।

आईसीएल / इम्प्लांट

आईसीएल दुनिया भर में अपनाया गया सबसे एडवांस विजन करेक्शन प्रोसीजर है। दृष्टि सुधार त्रुटियों के लिए बेहतरीन नतीजे प्रदान करने के लिए एस्फेरिकल लेंस को ठीक किया जाता है और आंख के प्राकृतिक लेंस पर रखा जाता है।

कॉन्ट्यूरा विजन

चश्मा हटाने की सर्जरी में सुधार को कॉन्ट्यूरा लेसिक ने भी मान्यता दी है। सर्जरी के साथ उच्च स्तर की सटीकता मुख्य रूप से आंख की टोपोग्राफिकल मैपिंग के कारण होती है। कॉन्ट्यूरा प्यूपिलरी एक्सिस के बजाय विजुअल एक्सिस पर काम करता है। इस प्रकार यह उपचार विजुअल एक्सिस पर तेज विजुअल क्लैरिटी लाता है।

लेसिक बनाम कॉन्ट्यूरा विजन बनाम स्माइल

ब्लेड रहित लेसिक

  • साफ दृष्टि
  • यूएस – एफडीए सर्टिफाइड
  • फेम्टो लेजर + एक्साइमर लेजर
  • सबसे तेज विजुअल रिकवरी – बेहतरीन नतीजे
  • लेजर डिलीवरी के दौरान डिजिटल ट्रैकिंग
  • दोबारा उपचार की संभावनाएं

कॉन्ट्यूरा विजन

  • बेहतर दृष्टि की संभावनाएं – 6/6 से ज्यादा
  • यूएस – एफडीए प्रमाणित
  • फेम्टो + एक्सीमर + टोपोलेजर
  • चश्मे की पावर में सुधार + कॉर्नियल अनियमितताएं + विजुअल एक्सिस ट्रीटमेंट
  • तेज से होने वाली विजुअल रिकवरी – बेहतरीन प्रभाव


  • स्टैंडर्ड विजन
  • यूएस – एफडीए ऑथोराइज्ड
  • केवल फेम्टो लेजर
  • चश्मे की पावर में सुधार की संभावना
  • मैनुअल ट्रैकिंग – कोई डिजिटल ट्रैकिंग नहीं
  • दोबारा उपचार संभावित

लेसिक, कॉन्ट्यूरा विजन या आईसीएल के लिए मानदंड

आंखों के चश्मे की पावरचश्मा हटाने की प्रक्रिया
-1 to -8सभी लेजर प्रक्रिया (आईसीइल, कॉन्ट्यूरा या लेसिक)
-8 to -18आईसीएल
+1 to +5कॉन्ट्यूरा / लेसिक
+5 to +10आईसीएल या आरएलई

भारत में लेसिक सर्जरी की कीमत

आई मंत्रा अस्पताल सबसे अच्छे दामों पर आंखों की लेसिक सर्जरी ऑफर करने वाले टॉप आई हॉस्पिटल में से एक है। यहां स्टैंडर्ड ब्लेड लेसिक की कीमत सिर्फ 15,000 रुपये से शुरू होती है। दिल्ली में बिना ब्लेड वाली लेसिक प्रक्रिया का खर्च लगभग 65,000 रुपये और 90,000 रुपये के बीच अलग हो सकता है। हालांकि इसकी सटीक कीमत प्रत्येक मामले की जटिलता और उपयोग की जाने वाली प्रक्रिया के अनुसार अलग-अलग होती है। सर्जरी की कीमत से संबंधित एक तुलना निम्नलिखित है:

प्रक्रियारिकवरी का समयजोखिम (जगह से हटना / फ्लैप फटना)उपयुक्तता (हाई पावर / पतली कॉर्निया)मुख्य फायदेकीमत / आंख (₹)
दिल्ली में स्टैंडर्ड लेसिक30 दिनउच्चNullचश्मा हटाने के लिए बेसिक स्टैंडर्ड सर्जरी12,000
दिल्ली में सी लेसिक15 दिनउच्चNullकॉर्निया के लिए कस्टमाइज16,000
दिल्ली में कॉन्ट्यूरा3 दिननिम्नNullसुपर विजन के लिए कॉर्नियल पॉलिशिंग और अब्रेशन रिमूवल।25,000
दिल्ली में ट्रांसपीआरके3 दिननिम्नNullएक कदम वाली प्रक्रिया: ब्लेड रहित, फ्लैप रहित, स्पर्श रहित और सबसे सुरक्षित32,000
दिल्ली में फेम्टो लेसिक3 दिनउच्चNullफ्लैप बनाने के लिए लेजर का इस्तेमाल55,000
दिल्ली में आईसीएल सर्जरी3 दिनमध्यमNullआंख के लेंस को एक नए लेंस से बदलना55,000
दिल्ली में स्मार्ट सर्फ लेसिक3 दिनबहुत कमNullअब्रेशन हटाने के साथ 5डी आई ट्रैकिंग | ज्यादा से ज्यादा ऊतकों की बचत45,000
दिल्ली में स्माइल7 दिननिम्नNullआंखों के ऊतकों को निकालकर दृष्टि सुधार के लिए लेजर का उपयोग किया जाता है।80,000

हमारे नैदानिक ​​पदचिह्न

हम मंत्रा देखभाल प्रौद्योगिकी से आसान भंडारण और जानकारी तक पहुंच प्रदान करते हैं। यहां, मरीज एक ही स्थान से वर्चुअल डॉक्टर परामर्श, उपचार योजना, नुस्खे आदि से आसानी से नोट्स प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। किसी भी डिजिटल डिवाइस से 24/7 चिकित्सा जानकारी प्राप्त करें।

मंत्रा केयर का उद्देश्य मरीजों को उनके किफायती और गुणवत्ता आधारित चिकित्सा उपचार के माध्यम से अधिक कुशल अनुभव प्रदान करना है।
हम अपनी कंपनी को रोगियों के लिए सबसे अच्छा विकल्प बनाते हुए लगभग हर स्वास्थ्य समस्या के लिए अपेक्षाकृत कम लागत वाले उपचार प्रदान करते हैं। मंत्रा केयर तकनीक सदस्यों और डॉक्टरों के लिए सभी मैनुअल कार्यों को स्वचालित करती है, जिससे यह कम लागत वाले उपचार प्राप्त करने के लिए एक व्यवहार्य विकल्प बन जाता है।


खुश रोगी











टॉप लेसिक सर्जन

Dr. Shweta Jain
Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK
Dr. Neha Wadhwa
Dr. Saurabh Jain
Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK
Dr. Harleen Kaur
Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK

विश्व स्तरीय लेसिक सुविधाएं

NCT Tonometer
NCT Tonometer
Post Operative Care
Post Operative Care
Humphrey Field
Humphrey Field
Yag Laser
Yag Laser
Phaco Machine
Phaco Machine
Eyemantra Delhi

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल

लेसिक सर्जरी एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है, जो चश्मे या कॉन्टैक्ट लेंस की जरूरत को खत्म और कम करने में मदद करती है। इसमें एक एक्सीमर लेजर निकट दृष्टि, दूरदर्शिता और दृष्टिवैषम्य को ठीक करने के लिए कंप्यूटर नियंत्रित सटीकता के साथ कॉर्निया को धीरे से नया आकार देता है।

लेसिक सर्जरी का उपयोग मायोपिया (नज़दीकीपन), हाइपरोपिया (दूरदृष्टि) और एस्टिगमेटिज्म (दृष्टिवैषम्य) जैसी दृष्टि समस्याओं को ठीक करने के लिए किया जाता है।

लेसिक सर्जरी की शुरुआती कीमत 15,000 रुपये प्रति आंख है। हालांकि, यह कीमत 2 लाख रुपये प्रति आंख तक जा सकती है।

लेसिक सर्जरी में आमतौर पर प्रत्येक आंख के लिए 15 से 20 मिनट लगते हैं और यह सब इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि आप दृष्टि से संबंधित किस समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं

यह जानने के लिए कि आप लेसिक सर्जरी के लिए योग्य उम्मीदवार हैं या नहीं, आपके पास निम्नलिखित चीजें होनी चाहिए:

  • कम से कम 18 साल की उम्र।
  • सक्रिय कॉर्नियल बीमारी का इतिहास या जांच के नतीजे।
  • अगर आप अपने चश्मे या कॉन्टैक्ट लेंस के प्रिस्क्रिप्शन में समय-समय पर बदलाव चाहते हैं।
  • कुछ स्थितियां और दवाएं। स्टेरॉयड दवाएं आपकी दृष्टि में अनियमित बदलाव की वजह बन सकती हैं।
  • अगर आपकी पुतलियां बड़ी हैं या आप सूखी आंखों की समस्या से पीड़ित हैं।

लेसिक सर्जरी के लिए आने से पहले आपके द्वारा कुछ जरूरी तैयारी करना जरूरी है, जिनमें शामिल हैं-

  • प्रक्रिया से एक दिन पहले अपने आंखों के डॉक्टर द्वारा अनुशंसित दोनों आंखों में एंटीबायोटिक आई ड्रॉप डालें। आमतौर पर इसे दिन में 6 बार उपयोग के लिए निर्धारित किया जाता है।
  • लेसिक के दिन आंखों और चेहरे पर परफ्यूम, पाउडर और मेकअप का इस्तेमाल नहीं करना चाहिए।
  • सर्जरी से 1 हफ्ते पहले कॉन्टैक्ट लेंस का उपयोग बंद करना आंखों और बेहतर नतीजे प्राप्त करने के लिए बेहतर होता है। आपके डॉक्टर के परामर्श से एक छोटी सी छूट की अनुमति है।
  • लेसिक सर्जरी के दिन अपने बालों को धो लें, ताकि आपको अगले 2 से 3 दिनों तक उन्हें धोने की जरूरत नहीं हो।
  • लेसिक के लिए आने से पहले सामान्य हल्का भोजन करें।

जी हां, लेसिक प्रक्रियाएं बहुत सुरक्षित हैं। यह प्रक्रियाएं यूएस-एफडीए द्वारा अप्रूव और सर्टिफाइड भी हैं। इसका मतलब है कि उन्हें मानव आंखों के लिए सुरक्षा की मंजूरी दी गई है। हालांकि, किसी अन्य सर्जरी की तरह इसमें भी कुछ जटिलताओं की संभावना शामिल हो सकती हैं। यह जटिलताएं प्रक्रिया से पहले उचित जांच करने पर बहुत ही दुर्लभ होती हैं।

कुछ मरीजों को आंखों में हल्के सूखेपन का अनुभव हो सकता है, जिसमें लुब्रिकेटिंग ड्रॉप्स के उपयोग से राहत मिलती है। इससे सूखी आंखों की समस्या समय के साथ अपने आप गायब हो जाती है। कुछ लोगों को रात के समय थोड़े समय के लिए रोशनी के चारों तरफ चमकते घेरे यानी हेलोज का भी अनुभव हो सकता है और यह भी समय के साथ कम हो जाता है। इसके अलावा लेसिक के तुरंत बाद व्यक्ति को हल्का भारीपन और दृष्टि में धुंधलापन का अहसास हो सकता है। यह प्रक्रिया के दौरान आंखों को सुन्न करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली आई ड्रॉप्स के प्रभाव की वजह से होता है। इस प्रकार यह सभी जटिलताएं बेहद दुर्लभ हैं, जिन्हें आपके डॉक्टर द्वारा आसानी से प्रबंधित किया जा सकता है।

नहीं, लेसिक सर्जरी एक दर्दनाक प्रक्रिया नहीं है। कई मरीजों ने अनुभव किया है कि लेसिक सर्जरी से उन्हें दर्द का अहसास नहीं होता है। ऐसा इसलिए है, क्योंकि लेसिक सर्जरी से पहले आंख को पूरी तरह से सुन्न करने के लिए एनेस्थेटिक ड्रॉप्स डाली जाती है। इसके अलावा सर्जरी से पहले उम्मीदवार को आराम का एहसास देने के लिए हल्का सीडेटिव भी दिया जा सकता है।

जी हां, कई मरीजों को एक ही दिन दोनों आंखों का इलाज कराने में ज्यादा मदद मिलती है।

लेजर दृष्टि सुधार के बाद दूरी में सुधार सामान्य रूप से स्थायी है। हालांकि, बढ़ती उम्र के साथ बदलाव होने की संभावना है, फिर चाहे आपकी लेसिक सर्जरी हुई हो या नहीं।

लेसिक सर्जरी दृष्टि में सुधार करने वाली एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है, जो एफडीए-अप्रूव्ड है। इसमें जटिलताओं के कम प्रतिशत के साथ आखिरी नतीजे की उच्च संभावना है। इसके अलावा पुरानी बिना लेजर वाली प्रक्रियाओं में आमतौर पर सुधार के लिए ऑटोमेटिक लेजर के बजाय मैनुअल रूप से की जाने वाली सर्जरी शामिल होती है।

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Mira Bhayandar

Lasik surgery is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision problems. It involves using a laser to change the shape of the cornea, which is the clear outer layer of the eye. Lasik surgery can be used to treat various types of vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Lasik surgery is a safe and effective way to improve vision, and it has a high success rate. Lasik surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, and it only takes a few minutes to complete. Recovery from lasik surgery is usually quick and easy, and most people experience little to no discomfort after the procedure. Lasik surgery can help you achieve clear vision, and it can also help you avoid the need for glasses or contact lenses. If you are considering lasik surgery, Mira-Bhayandar is a great place to have the procedure done.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Mira Bhayandar offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Mira Bhayandar

Standard LASIK in Mira Bhayandar

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Mira Bhayandar. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Mira Bhayandar

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Mira Bhayandar go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Mira Bhayandar

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Mira Bhayandar. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Mira Bhayandar

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Mira Bhayandar

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Mira Bhayandar. 

PRK Surgery in Mira Bhayandar

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Mira Bhayandar. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Mira Bhayandar offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Mira Bhayandar and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Mira Bhayandar

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Mira Bhayandar offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Mira Bhayandar also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Mira Bhayandar may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Mira Bhayandar

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Mira Bhayandar, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Mira Bhayandar & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Mira Bhayandar, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Mira Bhayandar to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Mira Bhayandar Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Tilak Nagar east
  • Uttam Nagar
  • Vikas Puri
  • Vishnu Garden
  • Zakhira
  • Ranhola
  • Shivaji Park
  • Subhash Nagar
  • Subhash Nagar west
  • Sunder Vihar
  • Tikri Kalan
  • Tilak Nagar
  • Mansarover Garden
  • Matiala
  • Paschim Vihar b block
  • Peeragarhi
  • Punjabi Bagh
  • Vasant Kunj
  • Rajouri Garden
  • Rajouri Market
  • Ramesh Nagar
  • Mundka
  • N.I.area
  • Nangloi
  • Bhera Enclave
  • Deepali Enclave
  • Nilothi
  • Paschim Vihar
  • Jawala Heri
  • Jeevan Park
  • Jwala Puri
  • Jwalaheri
  • Karam Pura
  • Vasant Vihar
  • South Mira Bhayandar
  • North Mira Bhayandar
  • M.B.s. nagar
  • Madipur Slum quarter
  • Madipur Village
  • Mahabir Nagar
  • Janakpuri
  • Janta Market
  • D. k. mohan garden
  • D.E.s.u. colony
  • Mira Bhayandar Industrial area
  • Esi
  • Fateh Nagar
  • Hari Nagar
  • Hastal Village
  • Hirankudna
  • J-6 Rajouri garden
  • Jail Road
  • Chand Nagar
  • Chaukhandi

Top LASIK Surgeons in Mira Bhayandar

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Mira Bhayandar

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Mira Bhayandar starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Mira Bhayandar also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Mira Bhayandar if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Mira Bhayandar experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Mira Bhayandar get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Gangtok

Lasik surgery is a safe and effective way to improve your vision. Lasik can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Lasik surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist, a medical doctor who specializes in the care of the eyes. The Lasik procedure is quick and painless, and most people see a significant improvement in their vision immediately after surgery. Lasik surgery is usually covered by health insurance, so check with your insurer to see if you are eligible for coverage. Lasik surgery is a great option for anyone who wants to improve their vision and live a life without glasses or contact lenses.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Gangtok offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Gangtok

Standard LASIK in Gangtok

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Gangtok. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Gangtok

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Gangtok go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Gangtok

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Gangtok. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Gangtok

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Gangtok

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Gangtok. 

PRK Surgery in Gangtok

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Gangtok. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Gangtok offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Gangtok and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Gangtok

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Gangtok offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Gangtok also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Gangtok may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Gangtok

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Gangtok, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Gangtok & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Gangtok, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Gangtok to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Gangtok Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • MG Marg
  • Sangkhola
  • Ranipool

Top LASIK Surgeons in Gangtok

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Gangtok

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Gangtok starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Gangtok also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Gangtok if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Gangtok experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Gangtok get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Phagwara

Lasik surgery in Phagwara is a popular choice for people looking to improve their vision. Lasik surgery involves using a laser to correct the refractive error in your eye, and can be used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Lasik surgery is a safe and effective way to improve your vision, and can be performed on an outpatient basis. If you are considering Lasik surgery in Phagwara, contact a qualified eye surgeon to learn more about the procedure and to find out if you are a good candidate.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Phagwara offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Phagwara

Standard LASIK in Phagwara

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Phagwara. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Phagwara

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Phagwara go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Phagwara

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Phagwara. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Phagwara

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Phagwara

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Phagwara. 

PRK Surgery in Phagwara

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Phagwara. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Phagwara offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Phagwara and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Phagwara

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Phagwara offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Phagwara also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Phagwara may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Phagwara

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Phagwara, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Phagwara & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Phagwara, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Phagwara to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Phagwara Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Tilak Nagar east
  • Uttam Nagar
  • Vikas Puri
  • Vishnu Garden
  • Zakhira
  • Ranhola
  • Shivaji Park
  • Subhash Nagar
  • Subhash Nagar west
  • Sunder Vihar
  • Tikri Kalan
  • Tilak Nagar
  • Mansarover Garden
  • Matiala
  • Paschim Vihar b block
  • Peeragarhi
  • Punjabi Bagh
  • Vasant Kunj
  • Rajouri Garden
  • Rajouri Market
  • Ramesh Nagar
  • Mundka
  • N.I.area
  • Nangloi
  • Bhera Enclave
  • Deepali Enclave
  • Nilothi
  • Paschim Vihar
  • Jawala Heri
  • Jeevan Park
  • Jwala Puri
  • Jwalaheri
  • Karam Pura
  • Vasant Vihar
  • South Phagwara
  • North Phagwara
  • M.B.s. nagar
  • Madipur Slum quarter
  • Madipur Village
  • Mahabir Nagar
  • Janakpuri
  • Janta Market
  • D. k. mohan garden
  • D.E.s.u. colony
  • Phagwara Industrial area
  • Esi
  • Fateh Nagar
  • Hari Nagar
  • Hastal Village
  • Hirankudna
  • J-6 Rajouri garden
  • Jail Road
  • Chand Nagar
  • Chaukhandi

Top LASIK Surgeons in Phagwara

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Phagwara

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Phagwara starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Phagwara also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Phagwara if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Phagwara experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Phagwara get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Shimla

Lasik surgery in Shimla is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision problems. It involves the use of a laser to reshape the cornea. Lasik surgery can be used to treat a variety of vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Lasik surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, and most people who have the procedure are able to return to their normal activities within a few days. Lasik surgery is generally safe and effective, and most people who have the procedure experience improvement in their vision. If you are considering lasik surgery, be sure to consult with an experienced eye surgeon who can evaluate your specific situation and determine if lasik surgery is right for you. Lasik surgery can provide you with improved vision and a better quality of life.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Shimla offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Shimla

Standard LASIK in Shimla

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Shimla. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Shimla

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Shimla go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Shimla

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Shimla. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Shimla

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Shimla

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Shimla. 

PRK Surgery in Shimla

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Shimla. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Shimla offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Shimla and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Shimla

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Shimla offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Shimla also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Shimla may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Shimla

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Shimla, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Shimla & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Shimla, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Shimla to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Shimla Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Sector 118
  • Kufri
  • Sankat Mochan
  • Chail
  • Kasumpti
  • Kamyana Bharari Road
  • Taradevi
  • Solan
  • Kandaghat
  • Khalini
  • Sector-2
  • Bharari
  • Sector 1
  • Sanjauli
  • Boileauganj
  • Panthaghati
  • Naldehra
  • Lakkar Bazar
  • Chotta Shimla
  • Malyana
  • Junga
  • Shoghi
  • Rampur
  • Dharampur
  • Chakkar
  • Ghanahatti
  • Mashobra
  • Chaura Maidan
  • Jubbal
  • Totu
  • Fagu
  • Dhalli
  • Chopal
  • Summer Hill
  • Kaithu
  • Vikasnagar
  • Mehli
  • Rohru
  • Tutikandi
  • Bemloi
  • Matiana
  • Kotgarh
  • Theog
  • Jakhu
  • New Shimla
  • Bhattakufer
  • Cemetery
  • Shanan
  • Kangal

Top LASIK Surgeons in Shimla

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Shimla

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Shimla starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Shimla also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Shimla if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Shimla experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Shimla get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Delhi

Lasik surgery, also known as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision problems. Lasik surgery involves the use of a laser to create a small flap in the cornea, which is then lifted so that the underneath tissue can be reshaped with the laser. Lasik surgery is typically used to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Lasik surgery is generally safe and effective, with most people achieving their desired level of vision correction after the procedure. However, like with any surgery, there are risks involved, which is why it is important to consult with an eye doctor beforehand to see if Lasik surgery is right for you. If you are considering Lasik surgery in Sirsa, then please contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Delhi offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Delhi

Standard LASIK in Delhi

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Delhi. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Delhi

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Delhi go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Delhi

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Delhi. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Delhi

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Delhi

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Delhi. 

PRK Surgery in Delhi

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Delhi. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Delhi offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Delhi and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Delhi

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Delhi offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Delhi also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Delhi may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Delhi

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Delhi, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Delhi & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Delhi, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Delhi to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Delhi Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Guru Nanak Nagar
  • Kalyan Nagar
  • Ellenabad
  • Kalanwali
  • Shamshabad
  • Shri Gaushala Mohalla
  • Jhopra
  • Kirti Nagar
  • Barnala Road
  • Housing Board Colony

Top LASIK Surgeons in Delhi

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Delhi

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Delhi starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Delhi also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Delhi if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Delhi experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Delhi get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Delhi

Lasik surgery in Ambala is a treatment for vision problems that uses a laser to correct your vision. Lasik surgery can be used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Lasik surgery is generally safe and effective, but it’s important to have realistic expectations about the results of the surgery. Lasik surgery is not for everyone, so be sure to talk to your eye doctor about whether Lasik surgery is right for you. Lasik surgery is usually an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day. The surgery usually takes less than 30 minutes. Lasik surgery can be done with either general anesthesia or local anesthesia. After Lasik surgery, your vision will be blurry for a few hours, but it should improve within a day or so. You’ll likely need to take eyedrops for a week or two after Lasik surgery to help protect your eyes and prevent infection. 

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Delhi offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Delhi

Standard LASIK in Delhi

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Delhi. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Delhi

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Delhi go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Delhi

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Delhi. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Delhi

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Delhi

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Delhi. 

PRK Surgery in Delhi

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Delhi. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Delhi offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Delhi and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Delhi

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Delhi offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Delhi also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Delhi may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Delhi

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Delhi, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Delhi & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Delhi, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Delhi to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Delhi Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Sector-16
  • Sector-10
  • Lalru
  • Sector-42
  • Sector-40
  • Mullana
  • Ambala Cantt
  • Ghanaur Road
  • Sector 9
  • Mandour
  • Sector-8
  • Jasmeet Nagar
  • Naraingarh
  • Baldev Nagar
  • Manav Chowk
  • Old Town
  • Rajpura
  • Mahesh Nagar
  • Model Town
  • Saha
  • Ambala Sadar
  • Anand Nagar
  • Tandwal
  • Sector-7
  • Manmohan Nagar
  • Gobind Nagar
  • Jagadhari road
  • Ram Nagar
  • Dayal Bagh
  • Ambala Chandigarh road
  • Jandli
  • Mahavir Nagar
  • Tundla
  • Karda Nagar
  • Prem Nagar
  • Jaggi Colony
  • Durga Nagar
  • Vatika City Central
  • Sector-1
  • Barara
  • Mithapur
  • Luxmi Nagar
  • Defence Colony
  • Sadar Bazar
  • Chain Mandi
  • NH 1
  • Rattangarh
  • Adhoya
  • Patti Mehar

Top LASIK Surgeons in Delhi

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Delhi

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Delhi starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Delhi also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Delhi if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Delhi experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Delhi get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Bhiwani

Lasik surgery in Bhiwani is a type of refractive surgery that helps in correcting the vision by changing the shape of the cornea. It is one of the most common refractive surgeries performed across the globe. Lasik surgery can be done for people of all age groups and has become a popular choice for those who wish to get rid of their spectacles or contact lenses. The surgery involves making a small incision in the cornea and then using a laser to reshape it. Lasik surgery is a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate. It is important to choose a experienced and qualified surgeon for the surgery to ensure best results.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Bhiwani offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Bhiwani

Standard LASIK in Bhiwani

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Bhiwani. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Bhiwani

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Bhiwani go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Bhiwani

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Bhiwani. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Bhiwani

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Bhiwani

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Bhiwani. 

PRK Surgery in Bhiwani

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Bhiwani. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Bhiwani offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Bhiwani and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Bhiwani

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Bhiwani offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Bhiwani also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Bhiwani may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Bhiwani

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Bhiwani, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Bhiwani & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Bhiwani, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Bhiwani to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Bhiwani Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Sector-13
  • Rajiv Colony
  • Dadri Gate
  • Bound Kalan
  • Krishna Colony
  • Devsar
  • Charkhi Dadri
  • Surya Nagar
  • M C Colony
  • Defence Colony
  • Garanpura
  • Shiv Nagar Colony
  • Sector-26
  • Vijay Nagar
  • Bharat Nagar
  • Vidya Nagar
  • Vikas Nagar
  • Sector-23
  • Siwani
  • Bhiwani-Hansi Road

Top LASIK Surgeons in Bhiwani

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Bhiwani

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Bhiwani starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Bhiwani also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Bhiwani if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Bhiwani experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Bhiwani get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Gandhinagar

Lasik surgery in Gandhinagar is an outpatient surgical procedure that can correct vision problems and reduce or eliminate the need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Lasik surgery uses a laser to reshape the cornea, the clear, round dome at the front of your eye. This helps to improve vision. Lasik surgery is usually safe and effective, but it’s not right for everyone. Make sure you understand the risks and benefits before having Lasik surgery. Lasik surgery can be performed on people of all ages, but it’s best if you wait until your vision is stable before having the procedure. Lasik surgery cannot be reversed, so you’ll need to consider carefully whether you’re ready for this permanent change in your vision.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Gandhinagar offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Gandhinagar

Standard LASIK in Gandhinagar

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Gandhinagar. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Gandhinagar

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Gandhinagar go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Gandhinagar

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Gandhinagar. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Gandhinagar

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.

SMILE Eye Surgery in Gandhinagar

SMILE is a flapless and bladeless procedure. However, the recovery takes about 7 – 10 days. The dry eye after effects of the surgery are less with a SMILE. SMILE surgery is in its recent stages, and it’s cost is very high in Gandhinagar. 

PRK Surgery in Gandhinagar

PRK is a flapless and bladeless procedure, and one of the safest eye surgeries in Gandhinagar. Typically, PRK surgery has a recovery time of 2 – 5 days. EyeMantra Gandhinagar offers SmartSurf One-step Lasik procedure, which is touchless, flapless and bladeless. It has no flap related complications and is extremely safe.

LASIK is a safe procedure with very rare complications. Laser Specs removal surgeries performed at Eye Mantra Gandhinagar and other branches has helped more than 10,000 people to get rid of spectacles forever.

LASIK Eye Surgery Cost in Gandhinagar

Eye Mantra hospital by Mantra Care is one of the top eye hospitals in Gandhinagar offering affordable LASIK eye surgery. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Gandhinagar also offers Lasik Surgery EMI option starting 500/ month. LASIK eye surgery costs depend greatly on the procedure that you go for. The more advanced the technology the higher the cost. Our Standard LASIK surgery starts at ₹12,000/eye.  Bladeless LASIK procedure in Gandhinagar may vary in cost between ₹20,000 and ₹50,000 /eye.  Here’s a comparison on the cost:

TreatmentApprox. Cost/ Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK12,000
C LASIK15,000
Contoura Vision55,000
Trans PRK (Bladeless/ Flapless)55,000
Smile (Bladeless / Flapless)50,000

Best Eye hospital for LASIK Surgery in Gandhinagar

There are multiple good hospitals for LASIK Laser surgery near Gandhinagar, including AIIMS, Eye Mantra, The Eye & Vision Center. Eye Mantra is considered to be the best place for LASIK surgery in Gandhinagar & the NCR region.

At Mantra Care Gandhinagar, we are a team of top refractive surgeons who’re skilled in performing the LASIK, SMILE, Contoura, PRK and ICL surgeries. We have helped more than 10,000 patients in Gandhinagar to get rid of contact lens and glasses. 

Our Gandhinagar Lasik treatment centers are near these localities

  • Chiloda
  • Randesan
  • KH Road
  • Nava Koba
  • GIFT City
  • Ambica Nagar
  • Kudasan
  • Sargasan
  • Bagodara-Vasad 6 Lane Highway
  • Sector-25
  • Pethapur Road
  • Mahudi Highway
  • Mahudi Road
  • Moti Bhoyan
  • Infocity
  • Dehgam
  • Vadsar
  • SG Highway
  • Adalaj
  • Raysan
  • Dabhoda
  • Vavol
  • Kalol
  • Mahudi
  • Koba
  • Sector 16
  • Sector-2
  • Kolavada Road
  • Sector 3
  • Zundal
  • Rancharda
  • Sector-22
  • Randheja
  • Sector-29
  • Balva
  • Sector-28
  • Sector-30
  • Mansa Road
  • Sector-26
  • Sector-4
  • Sector-8
  • Sector-24
  • Sector-15
  • Sector-21
  • Sector-7
  • Sector-6
  • Sector-23
  • Sector-14
  • Sector-27
  • Dahegam
  • Urjanagar 1
  • Sector-13
  • Sector-20
  • Sector-5
  • Chhatral
  • Unali

Top LASIK Surgeons in Gandhinagar

Dr. Shweta

Dr. Shweta

dr neha

Dr. Neha

dr rahul

Dr. Rahul

dr megha

Dr. Megha

dr shubham

Dr. Shubham

LASIK Eye Surgery Facilities in Gandhinagar

Eye Lasik Machine
Eye LASIK Machine
Operation Theater
Operation Theater
Post Operative
Post Operative
Slit Lamp
Slit Lamp


LASIK surgery is a procedure that eliminates and decreases the requirement of glasses or contact lens. An excimer laser gently reshapes the cornea with computer-controlled accuracy to fix nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. You  can here view our locations of Lasik Surgery In India.

LASIK surgery in Gandhinagar starts at cost of Rs 15,000/- per eye. But the cost can go up to Rs 50,000/eye for advanced procedures such as PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile. If you have health insurance, you can get Lasik done under insurance. Eye Mantra Gandhinagar also offers EMI option starting Rs. 500/ month. 

LASIK surgery usually takes 15-20 minutes for each eye and all depends on the vision problem you are having.

You are eligible for Lasik Surgery in Gandhinagar if you meet the following criteria:

  1. More than 18 years of age.
  2. No history or findings of active corneal disease.
  3. No frequent changes in the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses.
  4. No issue of dry eyes

LASIK procedures are very safe and US FDA approved. However, like any other surgical procedure it can have some complications which are extremely rare.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in eyes which is usually relieved by lubricating drops and disappears over time. Some may also experience temporary halos during night time which also reduces with time. Immediately after LASIK one might experience mild heaviness and blurring of vision. 

No, LASIK surgery is not a painful procedure. Infact, more than 95% patients in Gandhinagar experienced no feeling of pain post their LASIK surgery. 

Yes, most patients in Gandhinagar get both eyes treated at the same time.  This is  also recommended by doctors as well.

Lasik Surgery

LASIK Surgery in Panchkula

Lasik surgery is a medical procedure that uses lasers to correct vision. It is a safe and effective way to improve your vision. Lasik surgery can be done in an outpatient setting, so you can go home the same day. Lasik surgery is quick and easy, and it has a very high success rate. Lasik surgery can help you see better and improve your quality of life. If you are considering lasik surgery, Panchkula is a great place to have it done. There are many experienced surgeons in Panchkula who can provide you with the best possible care. Lasik surgery in Panchkula is affordable, and there are many financing options available. LasikLasik surgery in Panchkula can help you see better and improve your quality of life. Lasik surgery is quick and easy, and it has a very high success rate. Lasik surgery can be done in an outpatient setting, so you can go home the same day. Lasik surgery is a safe and effective way to improve your vision. If you are considering lasik surgery, Panchkula is a great place to have it done. There are many experienced surgeons in Panchkula who can provide you with the best possible care. Lasik surgery in Panchkula is affordable, and there are many financing options available.

Which conditions can LASIK treat

Lasik is a 10 minutes procedure and can help you get rid of contact lenses and spectacles. LASIK is very effective in treating refractive errors such a near sightedness, far sightedness and astigmatism:

Lasik surgery can correct Myopia

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Hyperopia

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

Lasik surgery can correct Astigmatism


LASIK Surgery Procedure

Our Lasik eye surgeons in Panchkula offer the best and safest procedure for specs removal. There are 2 key procedures for performing Lasik surgeries, namely Flap-based and Flapless (PRK) :

Flap-Based Procedure, Lasik Surgeon:

  • Forms a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome or Femto Laser. 
  • Pulls back the flap to show the underlying corneal tissue
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea in a unique pre-specified pattern
Flapless Procedure, Lasik surgeon:
  • Uses Laser to remove the front eye tissue layer (epithelial)
  • Uses excimer laser to reshape the cornea
  • This is the safest procedure, however, the eye takes 1-2 days more to recover

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about 10 minutes. Plan to have someone drive you home after surgery.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options in Panchkula

Standard LASIK in Panchkula

This is the base standard for LASIK surgery in Panchkula. Under this method, the cornea flap is created using a blade. Then excimer laser is used to reshape cornea

Femto LASIK (Blade free) in Panchkula

It is an advanced version of Standard LASIK. Instead of using a blade to create the corneal flap, a Femtosecond laser is used to create the flap. The whole process is completely automated. Around 15-20% patients in Panchkula go for this procedure.

ICL Specs removal in Panchkula

ICL is typically used for high numbers/ power or thin cornea, where LASIK is not feasible. ICL is one of the most advanced vision correction procedure adopted in Panchkula. The aspherical lens is fixed and placed over the natural lens of the eye surgically for vision correction errors asking remarkable results.

Contoura vision in Panchkula

Contoura vision, is a form of corneal wavefront topo guided treatment, which removes the aberrations in cornea and gives you clearer vision. The high level of accuracy with the surgery is majorly due to the topographical mapping of the eye. Contoura works on the visual axis rather than the pupillary axis.