PRK Surgery Complications: All About It

PRK Surgery Complications

PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) surgery is a popular treatment for patients with macular degeneration. It’s a relatively safe and effective treatment, but like any surgery, there are risks and complications. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common PRK surgery complications and what you can do to prevent them. From dry eyes to vision loss, make sure you are fully aware of the risks before undergoing this procedure.

What is PRK Surgery?

What Is PRK Surgery?

PRK Surgery is a type of eye surgery that uses a laser to remove cataracts. The procedure can be done on the eyes without any stitches and it is usually outpatient. But like any surgical procedure, PRK surgery has risks and complications.

This surgery is also called “photorefractive keratectomy.” PRK surgery is a type of laser eye surgery that uses a laser to remove cataracts. The procedure can be done on the eyes without any stitches and it is usually outpatient.

The history of this type of surgery dates back to the 1960s when it was first used as a treatment for cataracts. PRK surgery uses a laser to break up the lens of the eye and then remove the cataract.

Today, PRK surgery is one of the most common types of laser eye surgery in the United States. It is also one of the least invasive types of eye surgery, and it has few side effects.

Complications of PRK Surgery

Complications of PRK Surgery

PRK is a popular laser eye surgery that uses near-infrared light to break up the vitreous and create a clear space in front of your eye. The surgical procedure is simple and can be done in an outpatient setting, but there are some potential complications that patients should be aware of.

Some of these are:


One of the main risks of PRK surgery is infection. While the risk of infection is low, it’s still important to be aware of the possibility and take proper precautions. Your doctor may recommend antibiotics, both before and after the procedure to reduce your risk of infection. An infection can be very serious and can cause vision loss or other complications.

Undercorrection or Overcorrection

Another complication that can arise from PRK surgery is under-correction or overcorrection. This occurs when the surgeon does not remove enough corneal tissue during the procedure, resulting in an insufficient change in vision, or removing too much tissue, leading to an excessive change in vision. In either case, additional corrective procedures may be needed to achieve desired results.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Another common complication is dry eye syndrome. This occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears to adequately lubricate and protect them. Symptoms of dry eye include burning, stinging, blurred vision, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. The origin of this condition is often unknown, but it can be caused by PRK surgery due to damage to the tear glands.

Halos and Glare

In some cases, halos and glare may occur after PRK surgery. These are caused by light entering the eye in an irregular pattern, resulting in a halo or starburst-like effect around bright lights. This can impair your vision at night and make it difficult to drive or do other activities that require good nighttime vision. These effects usually lessen over time, but they may not completely go away.

Constant Discomfort

Finally, PRK surgery can cause some amount of constant discomfort. Since the procedure involves removing and reshaping the corneal tissue, it’s not unusual to experience pain or irritation for a few weeks after the surgery. In most cases, this discomfort is temporary and should gradually lessen over time. This complication is maybe especially common in patients with existing dry eye syndrome as they may already be more prone to discomfort.

Nerve pain

This is one of the most common complications after PRK surgery. It can occur in either the eye or on the face, and typically affects one side of the face more than the other. The cause is unknown, but treatment options include medications, surgery, or a combination of both.


Most people who have PRK surgery experience some degree of astigmatism. Astigmatism is caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea and occurs when images focus at different points on the surface of the eye. It can result in trouble seeing close up and in lower light levels. Several treatments exist to correct astigmatism post-operatively, including refractive surgery and contact lenses.


Swelling can occur for a variety of reasons following PRK surgery, including infection or medication reactions. If swelling becomes severe or constant, it may indicate another complication such as a detached retina or aneurysm. In these cases, further evaluation by a doctor is required.

Overall, PRK surgery is a safe and effective procedure for correcting vision problems. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential complications so that you can make an informed decision when considering the procedure.

How to Reduce the Risk of Complications with PRK Surgery?

How to Reduce the Risk of Complications with PRK Surgery?

Reducing the risk of complications with PRK surgery is possible through a few simple steps. Here are some tips to help keep your eyes safe:

• Get an eye exam before the procedure: A complete eye exam will ensure that you don’t have any underlying conditions that could cause issues during the surgery.

• Follow post-op instructions closely: Read and follow all instructions on aftercare following the surgery carefully. This includes using topical medications, wearing protective eyewear, and avoiding activities as directed.

• Seek out expert care: Make sure your surgeon has extensive experience performing PRK procedures to reduce the risk of potential complications during or after your operation. An experienced doctor can guide you through the process of choosing lenses and performing the surgery to ensure optimal results with minimal risks.

• Consider other options: If you’re concerned about potential complications, speak to your eye doctor about alternatives such as LASIK or PRK. Each of these procedures carries its unique benefits and risks, so be sure to discuss them thoroughly before making a decision.

Overall, PRK surgery can be a safe and effective way to correct vision problems, but it is important to understand the potential risks associated with the procedure. Knowing what these are and taking steps to reduce them will help keep your eyes healthy for years to come.


If you are considering PRK surgery, it is important to be aware of the potential complications that can occur. By reading this article, you will have a better understanding of what to expect and how to address them if they arise. As with any major surgery, there is always a risk of unexpected complications, but by being informed about them beforehand you can minimize those chances and get back to your life as soon as possible.

There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of complications with PRK surgery: get an eye exam, follow post-op instructions carefully, and seek out expert care. If you are concerned about potential complications, speak to your doctor about other options such as LASIK or PRK.

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