Glass Blowers Cataract: What It Is And How It’s Treated

Glass Blowers Cataract: What It Is And How It's Treated

Glassblower cataracts are a common occurrence in those who work with glass, usually from the flint or quartz. While they may not always be visible on the eye, they can cause vision loss if left untreated. Learn more about this condition and how it is treated.

What is a Glass Blowers Cataract?

What is a Glass Blowers Cataract?

A glass blowers cataract is a type of cataract that occurs in people who work with glass. It’s caused by the accumulation of fluid inside the eye and can be treated with surgery.
Each year, the number of work-related cataract cases in the UK increases. Glassblower cataracts are a form of cataract caused by exposure to infrared radiation. Glassblower’s cataracts develop due to years or decades of exposure from working near hot metals – like molten metal foundry workers and smiths.
Cataracts are typically found in the posterior cortical layer of the lens. They begin in an early stage as a cobweb-like structure at the pupillary region before turning into a saucer shape with a noticeable “brass” appearance when seen with oblique light. Occasionally, the superficial layers of the lens capsule are found to be separated from each other, like paper burned by heat.
Cataract formation is often the result of a slow progression process. In more recent times, two factors are commonly believed to be responsible for the onset of this particular variety of cataract formation: heat and infrared radiation. The author carried out experiments by applying heat to the eye that wasn’t being exposed to any infrared radiation.

Causes and Risk Factors

Glassblowers cataract is a common eye disease that occurs when the lens of your eye becomes cloudy from exposure to fine glass particles. The condition is most often diagnosed in people who work with or near tiny glass particles all day long, such as glassblowers, jewelers, and potters. Cataracts can gradually cause vision problems. Treatment typically includes spectacles or surgery to remove the cataract.

Symptoms of Glass Blowers Cataract

There is no definitive answer to the question of what causes glass blowers cataract, as the condition can be caused by a variety of factors. However, some common symptoms of glass blowers cataract include:

1. difficulty seeing in front of you
2. blurred vision
3. eye pain or discomfort
4. seeing colors distortedly
5. decreased contrast and brightness in your vision
6. seeing spots or lines when looking at objects close up
7. having to take frequent breaks from your work due to discomfort or fatigue

Complications of Glass Blowers Cataract

If you are a glass blower, you are undoubtedly familiar with the health risks associated with cataracts. Cataracts are a common complication in glass blowers and can lead to decreased vision and ultimately reduced productivity. There are several complications of glassblowing that may lead to cataracts.

One of the most common causes of cataracts is exposure to hot gases and flames during the manufacturing process. Glassblowers who work with high-temperature materials often develop cataracts due to the heat and smoke exposure. Other causes of cataracts include age, genetics, and environmental exposure to chemicals or fumes. If you notice any changes in your vision or experience difficulty seeing at night, it is important to consult an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Most cases of cataract can be treated with surgery, but some require invasive procedures such as implantation of a lens into the eye. If you experience any symptoms related to your cataract, it is important to seek prompt medical attention so that you can begin treatment right away.


Cataracts are a common eye problem. They form when the lens of your eye gets cloudy from age, injury, or disease. Cataracts can cause vision problems, including blurry vision and difficulty reading. Glass blowers often develop cataracts because of the high level of heat and noise exposure they experience while blowing glass.

There is no one definitive test for cataracts, but your doctor will likely use a combination of methods to diagnosis the condition. These may include a visual examination, an eye exam with a special lens that can detect cataracts, and an ultrasound scan of the brain. Depending on the severity of your cataract, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove it or treatment with artificial lenses.

Treatment Procedure

If you are experiencing glassblowing cataracts, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. The sooner the condition is treated, the better the prognosis. If you want to prevent this condition for yourself, wear protective glasses when participating in these occupations.
There are a few different types of glassblowing cataracts and each has its own treatment approach.

The most common type of glassblowing cataract is called an apical cataract. This occurs when the lens begins to become clouded over from exposure to high levels of heat and light. In this case, the lens may need to be removed entirely in order for the person to see clearly again. If left untreated, apical cataracts can lead to blindness.

Another type of glassblowing cataract is called a posterior subcapsular cataract. This occurs when the lens becomes clouded over from deposits inside the eye. Treatment typically involves removing part of the lens or using a laser to break up these deposits. Again, if left untreated, posterior subcapsular cataracts can lead to blindness.

Finally, there is a rare but serious form of glassblowing cataract called retinal vein occlusion (RVO). RVO happens when a blockage forms in one of the major veins that carry blood out of your retina (the back part of your eye). This can cause permanent vision loss if not treated quickly. Treatment usually involves surgery to remove the blockage and restore blood flow to the eye.


If you’re an avid glassblower, you’re probably familiar with the dangers of cataracts. This article will provide you with a little more information about glassblowers’ cataracts and what you should do if you experience them.
If you’re experiencing vision problems due to cataracts, it’s important to see an eye doctor as soon as possible. Glassblowers’ cataracts can be treated with surgery, but the sooner you seek treatment, the better the results.

Cataract surgery is a safe and painless procedure. At MantraCare we have a team of experienced eye surgeons, who will be happy to answer any questions on cataract surgery. Call us at +91-9711116605 for any inquiries.