RLE Surgery Complications | Preventing Surgery Complications

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If you are considering RLE surgery, you must be aware of the potential complications that can occur. This type of surgery is not always risky, but there are some potential problems that you should be aware of. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common complications associated with RLE surgery. We will also provide tips on how to reduce your risk of experiencing these complications.

What Is RLE Surgery?

RLE surgery is a refractive eye surgery that corrects vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It is a type of laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses (LASIK) procedure that involves reshaping the cornea with a laser to improve vision.

RLE surgery is a relatively safe procedure, but like any type of surgery, there are certain risks and potential complications that you should be aware of. There are a few common complications associated with RLE surgery, including dry eyes, halos and starbursts, overcorrection or under-correction of vision, infection, corneal flap displacement, and glare.

RLE surgery makes a permanent change to your vision and it is not reversible. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with RLE surgery before deciding if it is the right procedure for you. Your eye doctor will be able to provide more information about the potential risks and how they can be minimized.

In rare cases, more serious complications such as scarring of the cornea, nerve damage, and vision loss may occur after RLE surgery. If you experience any serious or persistent symptoms following RLE surgery, contact your doctor immediately.

Different RLE Surgery Complications

Relatively, RLE surgery is a safe procedure. However, like any other medical procedure, it comes with a certain degree of risk and potential complications. Some common risks include :


Infection is a rare complication that can occur after an RLE surgery and usually occurs with improper care after the procedure or when using contaminated equipment during the surgery. Symptoms may include redness and swelling of the eyes as well as pain and discharge from the eyes. In severe cases, infections can lead to blindness.


One of the most common RLE complications is the development of cataracts. A cataract occurs when proteins in the lens become abnormally clumped together and form a cloudy layer over the eye’s lens, reducing vision. If a patient develops cataracts after an RLE surgery they may require additional corrective surgeries or lenses to improve their vision.


Glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure that can cause permanent damage to optical nerves and result in vision loss. Also, Glaucoma can develop after an RLE procedure due to certain changes made during the surgery such as stopping natural drainage channels or damage to the structures of the eye.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is a rare but potentially serious complication that can occur after RLE surgery due to excessive scarring and changes in the vitreous gel structure of the eye, which can lead to a tear in the retina. Symptoms include sudden flashes of light, floaters, or shadows in vision. If left untreated, retinal detachment can cause permanent vision loss.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are another common complication after an RLE procedure since they can reduce natural tear production and cause irritation and discomfort. Patients may experience redness, burning, stinging, and blurred vision due to dry eyes following their surgery. Some of the ways to reduce and manage dry eyes include taking rest breaks throughout the day, using artificial tears or lubricants, as well as avoiding activities that cause eye strain.

Vision Loss

An RLE surgery can cause partial or full vision loss if there is an excessive amount of tissue removed during the procedure, damage to nearby structures, an improper technique used by the surgeon, or other complications. Even with successful recovery and correction of any potential issues, some patients may still experience permanent vision loss.

Constant Headaches

Headaches are another common complication after RLE surgery and can range from mild to severe. This can be caused by swelling, inflammation, or dry eyes and can last for up to weeks or months afterward. To reduce the intensity of these headaches, it is important to get enough rest, use eye drops if needed, and take medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Blurry Vision

Blurry vision is another potential complication that can occur after an RLE surgery. This is due to the removal of a large amount of tissue or other damage caused during the procedure, and it can last up to several months before fully correcting itself. In some cases, corrective lenses may be required to improve vision.

It is important to discuss all potential risks before undergoing any surgical procedure including RLE surgery. Your ophthalmologist will be able to provide you with more detailed information on the possible complications that may occur during and after this type of procedure. With proper care and monitoring throughout the recovery process, most patients can expect a successful outcome without any long-term consequences.

How To Overcome RLE Surgery Complications?

Overcoming RLE surgery complications is possible with the right approach and attitude. Generally, most of the complications can be managed or prevented by following post-operative instructions from your physician. Here are some tips to help you manage RLE surgery complications:

1. Follow all instructions given by your doctor: After RLE surgery, it is important to follow the advice and instructions given by your surgeon or primary care physician to help reduce risks for complications. This includes activity restrictions and taking medications as prescribed.

2. Eat a balanced diet: Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and proteins can help promote healing after RLE surgery and reduce the risk of infection or other complications.

3. Monitor signs and symptoms: It is important to monitor signs and symptoms that may indicate a complication. These can include fever, redness or swelling at the surgical site, pain that does not respond to prescribed medications, and drainage from the wound.

4. Take medications as directed: Taking any medications as prescribed by your doctor after RLE surgery can help reduce complications such as infection or inflammation.

5. Get plenty of rest: Getting plenty of rest after RLE surgery is important in helping your body heal properly. Avoid strenuous activities for a month or longer if instructed by your doctor.

By following these tips, you can greatly reduce your risk of complications from RLE surgery and ensure quicker healing times with minimal discomfort. If any signs or symptoms of a complication occur, it is important to contact your doctor immediately.

Talk to your doctor about any questions or concerns you have before and after RLE surgery. By taking the proper precautions, you can reduce your risk of complications and ensure a successful recovery.


RLE surgery can be a beneficial procedure for many patients, but it is important to carefully weigh the risks and potential complications. In some cases, vision may not be restored fully or at all. Infection increased intraocular pressure and other serious complications can occur. It is essential to discuss these risks with an ophthalmologist before committing to RLE surgery. Taking the necessary precautions during recovery and adhering to postoperative guidelines are also vital in ensuring a successful outcome.

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