The Complete Guide to the Various Options for Congenital Cataract Treatment

The Complete Guide to the Various Options for Congenital Cataract Treatment

A congenital cataract is a condition that can happen in newborns only when the eyes are developing. Cataracts are a common eye condition, with nearly 20% of people over the age of 70 affected by them. Cataracts are typically treated with surgery or laser treatment, but there are alternatives to these procedures as well. This can lead to eye problems and vision loss. In this article, find out all about the various options for the treatment of this condition.

What is Congenital Cataract Treatment?

What is Congenital Cataract Treatment?

There are a number of different congenital cataract treatment available for congenital cataracts, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. In most cases, the best option depends on the patient’s individual circumstances and needs.

The three main types of congenital cataract treatment for congenital cataracts are surgery (removal of the lens), injection (filling of the lens with a synthetic material), and laser therapy. Surgery is usually the most expensive option, but it offers the best chance for long-term success. Injection therapy is cheaper but less effective than surgery, while laser therapy is both cheaper and more effective than either injection or surgery but has a lower chance of success for congenital cataract treatment.

Each type of treatment has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Surgery is usually the best option for patients who want long-term results, but it carries a high cost. Injection therapy is cheaper but less effective than surgery, while laser therapy is both cheaper and more effective than either injection or surgery but has a lower chance of success. Patients should discuss their options carefully with their doctor to decide which treatment is best for them.

Types of Congenital Cataracts

Some congenital cataracts do not need surgery. As soon as the baby is diagnosed, surgery often occurs because it’s such a painful condition. During the procedure, ophthalmologists use a flexible plastic implant to remove the cloudy part of the eye.

There are a few types of congenital cataracts, each with its own set of potential treatments. Here’s a look at each type:

Childhood cataracts

These are the most common type, and usually, clear up on their own by the time a person is an adult. Treatment usually involves wearing sunglasses or contact lenses to block out light and reduce glare. Surgery may be necessary if the cataract is severe or if it’s interfering with vision.

Progressive lens opacities (PLLO)

These occur when the normal growth of lens fibers in the eye doesn’t keep pace with changes in age or disease, leading to gradual visual impairment. PLO can be difficult to diagnose but often responds well to glasses and/or contact lenses that help change how light reflects off the eyes.

Intraocular melanoma (IOM)

IOM is cancer that develops from pigment cells in the eye’s retina, which can lead to gradual vision loss if left untreated. Early detection is key for successful treatment, which may include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.


This condition causes increased pressure inside the eyeball, which can damage sight over time if not treated properly. The primary treatment for glaucoma is medications that lower pressure inside the eye; surgical intervention may be required in cases where medication doesn’t work or when normal vision isn’t possible anymore due to the advanced stage.

How Congenital Cataract Work?

How to Treat Congenital Cataracts

How to Treat Congenital Cataracts

There are many different treatments for congenital cataracts, but the most common and successful approach is surgery. If the cataract is small, a laser can be used to remove it. In some cases, a special device called a lens expander can be used to enlarge the pupil of the eye and improve vision in people with congenital cataracts.

If the cataract is more serious or if it’s located in an area that makes vision difficult, a more extensive procedure may be necessary.

A cataract surgeon may remove the entire lens of your eye or they might just remove part of the lens. If your child has cataracts, the first step is to go through with the surgery.

The doctor will remove the eye’s cloudy lens (or lenses). Then, they’ll put a bandage in place that can take up to two weeks to heal and a long-term prescription of glasses or contact lenses. Because cataract surgery isn’t often performed on children, it’s difficult to predict how much a child’s vision will improve after treatment.

Cataract surgery

  • Cataract surgery for babies and children will take place at a hospital under general anesthesia. Your child will be unconscious during the operation.
  • At birth, in order to take out cataracts from your baby’s eyes. You’ll need to wait for one to two months after the baby is born. During this time, your ophthalmologist will apply eye drops that make it easier for him or her to have the operation.
  • Children under the age of twelve months should be given a wait-and-see approach with an IOL.
  • They’re more at risk for complications and further surgery, so it’s best to let children grow older before focusing on their eye health. As your child gets older and their visual abilities improve, the closer you can get to determine if they’re ready for retinal surgery.


There are many benefits of congenital cataract surgery, including restoring vision and improving the overall quality of life. However, there are also risks associated with the procedure, which must be weighed against the benefits before a decision is made. Here are some key benefits of congenital cataract surgery:

  • Recovering vision can be an incredibly empowering experience. For some people, regained sight is life-changing.
  • Cataract surgery can improve your overall quality of life by reducing your dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  • Many people report feeling more rested and content after undergoing cataract surgery. This may be due in part to improved vision, but also because they no longer have to worry about their eyesight constantly deteriorating.
  • Cataracts can cause significant impairment in daily activities such as driving and working. Surgery can restore much of this functionality, potentially making a big difference in someone’s life.

So, these are the benefits of congenital cataracts.


The risks associated with cataract surgery include the following:

  • Risks associated with any surgery include the potential for serious complications, including infection, extreme pain, and even death. Before surgery, all patients should discuss their risks and benefits with their doctor to ensure that they are comfortable proceeding with the procedure.
  • Cataracts can often be removed in one operation, but this is not always the case. In some cases, multiple operations may be necessary to achieve a satisfactory result.
  • Even after surgery, people may experience some residual vision impairment due to the cataract itself or the surgical procedure itself. This might require regular follow-up visits with a doctor to monitor progress.

Should Congenital Cataracts Be Removed?

If congenital cataracts are mild and do not affect vision, it’s often possible to leave them untreated, especially if they are in both eyes. Moderate to severe cataracts that affect vision, or a cataract that is only in one eye, will need to be treated with cataract-removal surgery.


Things to Consider Before Surgery

If you are considering surgery for your congenital cataract, there are a few things you should consider. First and foremost, is the type of surgery that will be best for you. There are three main types of surgeries: LASIK, PRK, and SMILE. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to research each option carefully before making a decision.

LASIK is the most common type of surgery, and it involves removing the cataract with a laser. This procedure is usually reversible and results in the highest level of satisfaction among patients. However, LASIK carries a risk of post-operative complications such as haze or glare vision, dry eye syndrome, and even worse vision in some cases. PRK is similar to LASIK in that it also uses a laser to remove the cataract but does so through small incisions on the surface of the eye rather than through the cornea. PRK has fewer post-operative complications but can be more expensive than LASIK. SMILE is a newer type of surgery that uses an infrared camera to remove the cataract without damaging surrounding tissue. Although this procedure has been successful in some cases, SMILE tends to result in poorer vision than either LASIK or PRK.

Once you have decided on which type of surgery will be best for you, another important consideration is whether you want to undergo surgery immediately.

Cost of Surgery

There are a number of different surgical options for treating congenital cataracts. For those who require immediate surgery, intraocular lens (IOL) implants may be the best option. IOLs are small devices that sit in the eye and help to correct vision. They are inserted into the eye during surgery and work by using a magnifying device to enlarge images that the patient sees on a screen. If you require surgery but do not have any current glasses that fit you well, contact your optometrist to discuss your options.
The cost of a congenital cataract is around 15000-80,000/-INR

For those who elect to have surgery later in life, there are two main types of surgeries: cataract removal and implantation of an artificial lens. Cataract removal is generally more effective than implantation, but it can be more expensive. Cataract removal removes the bulk of the clouded lens and results in improved vision immediately. Implants, on the other hand, help to improve vision over time by adding extra light to the eye. They are usually less effective than cataract removal but tend to be cheaper overall.

No matter which option you choose, make sure to talk with your doctor about all of your options before making a decision.


If you are reading this article, it is likely that you have been diagnosed with a congenital cataract. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all of the various options of treatment available to treat your condition, from conservative treatment to surgery and beyond. I hope that by the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of what is available to you and which option is best suited for your individual case.
Cataract surgery is a safe and painless procedure. At MantraCare we have a team of experienced eye surgeons, who will be happy to answer any questions on cataract surgery. Call us at +91-9711116605 for any inquiries.