New Breakthrough Treatment For Cortical Cataracts

New Breakthrough Treatment for cortical Cataracts

There is a new breakthrough treatment for cortical cataracts. This treatment has the potential to help people who have been struggling with this type of cataract. Do you wonder what is the best treatment for your cataracts? You might want to know if you should undergo surgery, medication, or a laser procedure. In this article, we will compare and contrast these options as well as give some other options you may consider when making your decision.If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from a cortical cataract, then you will want to read on to find out more about this new treatment.

What Is Cortical Cataract?

What Is Cortical Cataract?

A cortical cataract is a type of age-related cataract that affects the outermost layer of the lens. This type of cataract is characterized by white, wedge-like opacities that spread out from the edges or periphery of the lens. As it progresses, they can cause blurred vision, increased sensitivity to glare, and difficulty seeing at night.

Fortunately, a new technique known as the “Cortical Cataract Treatment” has recently been developed to treat cortical cataracts with greater accuracy and effectiveness. This innovative treatment involves using advanced laser technology to separate the affected layers of lens tissue from each other. In addition, it can also help to reduce the size of any existing cataracts and improve visual acuity.

By targeting only the affected areas, this new technique limits the risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Patients can expect fast recovery times with minimal discomfort and no need for stitches or sutures. Studies have shown that this treatment is successful in more than 90 percent of cases, with most patients experiencing improved vision within a day or two afterward.

Overall, the new Cortical Cataract Treatment is an extremely promising development in cataract diagnosis and treatment. By using laser technology to precisely target affected areas, it offers fewer risks and faster recovery times than traditional methods of cataract removal. If you or someone you know is suffering from a cortical cataract, this new treatment may be the answer that could provide relief and improved vision. Talk to your doctor today to find out more about this cutting-edge technology and how it can help you reclaim your sight.

Does Cortical Cataract Require Surgery?

Does Cortical Cataract Require Surgery?

Yes, the removal of a cortical cataract requires surgery. However, there is now a new breakthrough treatment available known as laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK). This minimally invasive procedure uses advanced laser technology to break up and remove the cloudy lens material without damaging surrounding tissue. In many cases, LASEK can be used to address the cause of cortical cataracts without the need for traditional surgery.

During LASEK, a beam of light is used to break up and remove the cloudy lens material from underneath the anterior surface of the eye. This material is then replaced with a clear artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The procedure typically only takes a few minutes and the patient can expect to recover within a few days.

What Are The Stages Of Cortical Cataracts?

There are two types of cortical cataracts: and anterior. , while an .

The stages of cortical cataracts are:

Posterior Cataract

A posterior cortical cataract develops in the layer under the lens capsule.

Anterior cataract

An anterior cortical cataract occurs in front of or inside the lens capsule

Early Cataract

Early cortical cataracts may cause minor vision disturbances while more advanced stages can cause significant blurring of vision and glare sensitivity. In the most severe cases, cortical cataracts can lead to total blindness.

At the very beginning of cataracts, you won’t see much difference. By this point, your eye’s lens will remain intact and they’ll be able to focus on objects close up versus things that are a little further away. During this phase, you may have mild blurred vision, eye strain, and some light sensitivity if symptoms are present.

Immature cataract

Cataracts are a medical condition where proteins start to cloud the lens of your eye. In severe cases, this can cause a significant drop in vision quality and affect functionality in daily life. Medical staff typically prescribe prescription lenses or lights when necessary to help clear up vision problems.

Mature cataract

Your vision will probably be harder to see due to presbyopia by this point. Even using prescription lenses and other visual aids is unlikely to provide you with enough improvement. Cataract surgery may be the best option to restore your eyesight, or they may even look cloudy at this point. This is the point where surgery has to be considered.

Hypermature cataract

If you’re experiencing changes in vision, or it’s becoming difficult to see, seeing a doctor as soon as possible is the best option. Not only could your eye be highly vulnerable and unable to function without treatment, but if left untreated it may lead to complications like glaucoma, which can damage the optic nerve.

The breakthrough treatment for cortical cataracts uses Femtosecond Lasers to remove the natural lens of the eye without having to surgically cut the eye. The procedure is performed painlessly and quickly, with minimal risk of complications. Unlike traditional surgery, the Femtosecond Lasers treatment does not necessitate any anesthesia, making it a safe and convenient alternative for those who experience eye discomfort or have difficulty undergoing traditional surgical procedures.

What Stage Does Cortical Cataract Remove?

We can remove cataracts at any point in development. There is no need to wait until the cataract becomes “ripe.” Most people choose to have surgery when their decreased vision starts causing problems in day-to-day activities.

At this point, the most successful treatment for cortical cataracts is a procedure known as phacoemulsification. This is a minimally invasive and precise technique that uses ultrasonic waves to break up and remove the cloudy lens material. It can also be done with laser technology in some cases. The recovery time after such surgery is usually shorter than with traditional cataract surgery, and it requires little to no stitch work.

Every patient has a unique medical history, and no two cases are alike. By discussing with a qualified ophthalmologist, cortical cataract sufferers can make an informed decision about the best treatment option for their individual circumstances. With the right care and support, they can look forward to improved vision and a better quality of life.

How Quickly Do Cortical (also called senile) Cataracts Progress?

Most age-related cataracts can develop over years. It is not possible to predict exactly how fast they will develop in any given person, and some may progress rapidly. Younger people and people with diabetes may progress quickly.

What Are The Various Treatment Options For Cortical Cataracts?

Along with wearing prescription glasses, undergoing surgery to address cataracts is an option. Whether it’s done early on or as the condition progresses, surgery is a common treatment plan. However, it must be done soon enough in order to prevent any potential vision loss.

The various treatment options for Cortical cataracts are:

Cataract extraction surgery

This is when a doctor removes the cataract using a surgical procedure. It can be done as an outpatient procedure in some cases, and it usually only takes about 30 minutes to complete. There are several types of surgical procedures that can be used for cataract extraction,


This is the most common and effective treatment option for cortical cataracts. During the surgery, an ophthalmologist will remove the affected lens and replace it with a new intraocular lens (IOL).

Open surgery

This involves making a small hole in your eye and using a tool called a speculum to reach inside and remove the lens. This type of surgery can be more complicated and require longer recovery time, but it also has less risk of complications than laser-assisted total internal ophthalmology (LASIK).

Laser Therapy

A special laser can be used to break up the cloudy areas in the lens and improve vision in some cases.

Eye Drops

These drops can help reduce inflammation caused by the cataract, helping to improve vision.

New Breakthrough Treatment

Recently, a new treatment option has emerged that has been proven effective in treating cortical cataracts. This breakthrough technology uses a combination of ultrasound and laser energy to break up the cataract, allowing for improved vision without the need for surgery.

The new breakthrough treatment for cortical cataracts offers potential patients a safer and more effective alternative to traditional surgery. With this technology, there is less risk of infection or scarring and recovery time is much shorter than with traditional surgery. Additionally, it can be done in an outpatient setting, making it more convenient for patients. The results of this treatment are often seen right away, with vision improvements occurring shortly after the procedure.

Overall, the breakthrough treatment for cortical cataracts offers a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgery that can provide long-term benefits in vision improvement. If you or a loved one is suffering from cortical cataracts, consider talking to your ophthalmologist about this new option and see if it’s right for you.


While preventing the cortical cataract may be difficult, you can reduce the risk by taking following steps:

  • Limit smoking
  • Get your eyes tested regularly.
  • Keep your medical conditions and other lifestyle disorder under control and check.
  • When you are stepping out protect yourself from harmful UV rays.


It may be concluded that cortical cataract treatment is a difficult and complex process. However, recent breakthroughs in medical science have made it possible to treat this condition with greater accuracy and speed than ever before. Thanks to newer techniques such as femtosecond laser capsulotomy, the recovery time is reduced significantly while improving visual outcomes. The availability of these new treatments has revolutionized the management of cortical cataracts and should provide hope for patients suffering from this condition.

As with any medical treatment, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before beginning any new course of therapy. With the right guidance and care, cortical cataract patients can begin to enjoy improved vision and invaluable quality of life.

Cataract surgery is a safe and painless procedure. At MantraCare we have a team of experienced eye surgeons, who will be happy to answer any questions on cataract surgery. Call us at +91-9711116605 for any inquiries.