Presenile Cataract: Detailed Guide on This Cataract

Presenile Cataract Detailed Guide on This Cataract

If you are looking for a detailed guide on presenile cataracts, you have come to the right place. In this post, we will take you through the different symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments of this eye condition. We will also provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to prevent and treat presenile cataracts. So whether you are a doctor or just a concerned citizen, read on to learn everything you need to know about presenile cataracts.

What is Presenile Cataract?

What is Presenile Cataract

A presenile cataract is a type of cataract that most often occurs in elderly patients (>80 years old). In this type of cataract, the lens becomes cloudy and harder to see through even with glasses or contact lenses. This can lead to difficulty reading, driving, and other activities of daily living. The progression of presenile cataracts is usually slow, but it can eventually cause significant vision loss. There is currently no cure for presenile cataracts, but treatments may help improve vision.

According to reports, there are many possible causes of presenile cataracts, including age, genetics, and exposure to environmental toxins. Around 60% of patients with presenile cataracts have a family history of the condition.

Risk Factors for Developing Presenile Cataract

Several factors can increase your chance of developing presenile cataracts. These include:


One of the most common triggers of presenile cataracts is age. As you get older, the lens of your eye starts to yellow and thicken, which can make it more likely that you’ll develop a presenile cataract. Also when you age, you’re more likely to experience changes in other parts of your body that can increase your risk, such as diabetes.

Certain Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions can also make it more likely that you’ll develop presenile cataracts. These include diabetes, glaucoma, and certain genetic disorders. People with high blood pressure or a history of smoking are also at increased risk for developing this type of cataract.

Family History

If members of your family have had presenile cataracts, then you may be at an increased risk for developing them as well. Additionally, if either parent has experienced a traumatic brain injury or radiation therapy, they could pass on the gene mutation that causes presenile cataracts to their children.

Environmental Factors

Certain environmental factors can also increase the risk of developing presenile cataracts. These include frequent sun exposure, smoking, and a poor diet. People who live in areas with high levels of air pollution may also be more likely to develop this type of cataract.

Constant Eye Strain

People who stare at screens for long periods regularly may be more likely to develop presenile cataracts. This is because the constant eye strain can weaken the lens and make it more susceptible to developing a cataract.

Symptoms of Presenile Cataract

A pre-senile cataract is a condition that affects the lens of the eye. As one age, the proteins in their eyes change and create small clumps, which makes it harder for light to pass through. Some of the other signs of a presenile cataract include :

Blurred Vision

One of the most common signs of a presenile cataract is that your vision becomes blurry. This can happen gradually or suddenly and it may also be accompanied by poor night vision and glare sensitivity.

Cloudy Vision

Another symptom of presenile cataract is a cloudy vision in the affected eye. The lens may appear opaque, making it difficult to see clearly as objects around appear to have a foggy veil over them.

Double Vision

This condition usually involves seeing two images instead of just one, which can make it difficult for you to focus on what you are looking at. Double vision may also be caused by misalignment of the eyes, but if this does not explain the issue then a pre-senile cataract may be to blame.

Changing Prescription Needs

Presenile cataracts can also cause a change in your prescription need, i.e. you may find that you no longer require the same strength glasses or contact lenses to help you see clearly.

Feeling Sensitive to Bright Light

The clumps of protein in the lens can cause a glare or make it difficult for your eyes to adjust from light to dark. This can result in feeling sensitive or uncomfortable when exposed to bright lights such as sunlight, so you may find yourself squinting more than usual.

Uncomfortable Eye Movements

If you have a presenile cataract, you may notice that your eyes feel uncomfortable when they move. This can be because of the cloudiness on the lens and how it affects your vision.


An increase in the amount of strain your eyes have to put in for you to see clearly can sometimes result in headaches. These headaches may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea or dizziness.

If you have noticed any of the above issues with your vision, it is important to visit your optometrist or ophthalmologist to get a proper diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Presenile Cataract

Diagnosis of Presenile Cataract

The diagnosis of presenile cataracts is typically done through a comprehensive eye exam. During the examination, an ophthalmologist will use a slit lamp microscope to look closely at the lens and identify any opacities or changes in clarity that indicate the presence of a cataract.

The doctor may also use specialized imaging techniques such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scans to get a better view of the lens and determine the extent of involvement. Additionally, a series of tests that assess visual acuity and color perception can be used to gauge how significantly a patient’s vision has been affected by the cataract.

Some of these tests make it a bit difficult for the patient to differentiate between presbyopia, age-related vision changes, and cataracts. As such, the doctor needs to have detailed information from past eye exams and a family history of eye health to accurately make a diagnosis.

In cases where the patient experiences drastic changes in vision or has a family history of eye diseases, additional tests may be performed to rule out other causes for the issue. An electroretinogram (ERG) may be used to test how well electrical signals are sent between photoreceptor cells in the retina and optic nerve. A fundus photograph can also be taken to get an image of the inside of your eyes and look for any abnormalities that could indicate another type of eye disease.

Overall, the diagnosis of presenile cataract involves a physical examination and may require additional tests to rule out any other potential causes for vision loss. It is important to thoroughly discuss any concerns you have with your doctor when going in for an eye evaluation. With the right diagnosis, treatment can help improve your vision and reduce the risk of further complications from the cataract.

Treating Presenile Cataract

Treating presenile cataracts typically involves surgically removing the affected lens and replacing it with an artificial one. This is a relatively safe procedure that can be done on an outpatient basis.

In some cases, a person may opt for a non-surgical approach to presenile cataract treatment, called “refractive correction.” Refractive correction involves using glasses or contact lenses to correct vision problems caused by the cataract.

Unlike traditional corrective surgery, refractive correction is less invasive and requires no surgical incisions. However, this method of treatment does not address the underlying cause of the cataract itself and usually only offers temporary relief from its symptoms.

It’s important to note that treating presenile cataracts can be a long process. The exact course of treatment will depend on the severity and size of the cataract, as well as the individual’s medical history.

The doctor may recommend lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or wearing sunglasses to protect against UV rays. Additionally, they may prescribe topical medications or eye drops that help reduce inflammation and slow down the progression of the presenile cataract.

Presenile cataracts can also be treated using laser therapies, which involve using lasers to break up clumps of protein to improve vision. This type of therapy is often combined with corrective lenses or surgery to further improve vision quality.

Postoperative Care of a Patient After Presenile Cataract Surgery

Postoperative Care of a Patient After Presenile Cataract Surgery

The postoperative care of a patient after presenile cataract surgery is very important to ensure a successful outcome. The following are some general tips that will be helpful during the recovery period:

1. Take it easy: Following surgery, patients should take it easy and avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for the first few days. This will help reduce any possible complications.

2. Rest: Patients should rest as much as possible following surgery to heal properly and reduce the risk of developing complications.

3. Keep an elevated head: Following surgery, patients should keep their heads elevated for at least four weeks to minimize swelling and improve healing.

4. Avoid contact sports: Contact sports such as soccer or basketball can lead to serious injuries if done incorrectly following cataract surgery. It is best to avoid these activities until the doctor advises otherwise.

5. Apply pressure: Applying pressure to the eyes can help speed up healing and reduce the chances of developing complications postoperatively.

6. Try to eat a balanced diet: Following surgery, it is important to eat a balanced diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will help ensure that the patient is getting the necessary nutrients for healing.

7. Take pain medication as prescribed: If required, patients should take pain medication as prescribed to reduce any discomfort.

8. Use sunscreen: Patients should use sunscreen when outside, as sunlight can cause additional damage to the eyes following surgery.


A presenile cataract is a type of age-related cataract that typically develops in people over the age of 65. The name “presenile” refers to its presence in people who are older than 70 years at the time of diagnosis. In contrast, juvenile cataracts usually develop between the ages of 20 and 40 years and are more common in women.

Symptoms of presenile cataracts usually include cloudy vision, difficulty reading or seeing details, decreased day or night vision, and interference with outdoor activities such as gardening or playing golf. Treatment options for presenile cataracts vary depending on the severity of symptoms and may include surgery to remove the cataract or corrective lenses.

Cataract surgery is a safe and painless procedure. At MantraCare we have a team of experienced eye surgeons, who will be happy to answer any questions on cataract surgery. Call us at +91-9711116605 for any inquiries.