Epi LASIK: All About This LASIK

Epi LASIK Procedure of Epi LASIK

If you’re like most people, you probably have a few questions about epi LASIK. What is it? Is it safe? How does it work? And what are the potential risks? In this blog post, we will answer all of these questions and more. We will also discuss the benefits of epi LASIK and help you decide if this is the right procedure for you. We hope that by the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what epi LASIK is and whether or not it’s the right procedure for you.

What is Epi LASIK?

What is epi LASIK?

Epi-LASIK is a type of laser eye surgery that uses an EpiLASIK blade to create a flap in the upper and lower lids, allowing the surgeon to excise the surface layer of the cornea. This procedure is sometimes called a “flap LASIK.” Several different lasers are used for epi LASIK, including the Femto-LASIK and PRK lasers.

Epi LASIK is one of the more popular types of laser eye surgery. It has a high rate of success and is often less expensive than other types of laser eye surgery. There are several reasons why epi LASIK may be a good choice for you.

Epi Lasik is Less Expensive: epi LASIK can be cheaper than other types of laser eye surgery, such as PRK or LASIK. In some cases, it may even be less expensive than glasses or contact lenses.

Epi LASIK can be cheaper than other types of laser eye surgery, such as PRK or LASIK. In some cases, it may even be less expensive than glasses or contact lenses. Epi Lasik Has a High Rate of Success: epi LASIK has a high rate of success – approximately 95%. This means that only 5% of people who have this type of surgery will need to have it corrected or repeated.

What Are The Benefits of Epi LASIK?

Epi LASIK is a type of laser eye surgery that uses a small epilayer to remove thin layers of the cornea. Epi LASIK can provide many benefits over other types of laser eye surgery, including:

A shorter amount of time for recovery: Epi LASIK surgery is done using a handheld epilayer, which means that there is less pain and less time needed for recovery. Some people may only need a few hours of rest after the surgery, while others may only need a couple of days.

The ability to see better in all light conditions: An epilayer removes only the thin, outer layer of the cornea, which means that people who undergo epi LASIK can see better in all light conditions, including bright sunlight.

A lower risk for some types of eye problems: Epi LASIK is a low-risk procedure and does not involve cutting or removing any tissue from the eyes. This makes Epi LASIK a good option for people who are concerned about their risk for certain types of eye problems.

Reduced sensitivity to light: Some people experience reduced sensitivity to light after undergoing Epi LASIK. This is often temporary, and most people regain normal sensitivity to light within a few weeks after the surgery.

A constant improvement over time: Epi LASIK can improve your vision over time, even if you do not experience any noticeable changes right after the surgery. This is due to the natural process of your eyes healing and growing new tissue.

How Much Does Epi LASIK Cost?

How Much Does Epi LASIK Cost?

The cost of Epi LASIK can vary from patient to patient based on their individual vision needs and the complexity of their procedure. In general, Epi LASIK is a more affordable option than traditional LASIK because it does not require the use of an excimer laser.

However, it is important to note that cost should never be your only consideration when it comes to vision correction surgery. It is always best to talk to your eye doctor about the benefits and risks of both Epi LASIK and traditional LASIK so that you can make an informed decision.

Approximately the cost of Epi LASIK ranges from 15000 to 30,000 per eye. However, be sure to contact your eye surgeon for exact pricing before making any decisions. It is also important to note that not all vision insurance plans cover the cost of Epi LASIK; however, many surgeons will offer payment plans or flexible financing options for patients who need financial assistance.

The factors that can affect the cost of Epi LASIK include the complexity of your procedure, the type of equipment and product used, as well as any pre- or post-operative care. In addition to the cost of the actual Epi LASIK procedure itself, there may be additional costs associated with comprehensive eye exams, testing, and follow-up care.

Ultimately, many patients find that the affordability and convenience of Epi LASIK far outweigh its upfront cost. The long-term benefits – including improved vision and a decreased need for corrective eyewear – are worth considering when discussing potential vision correction procedures with your doctor.

When is the best time to have Epi LASIK?

The best time for Epi LASIK is when your vision has stabilized so that the results of the procedure are as long-lasting as possible. It’s recommended to wait until any changes in your vision have settled before undergoing this procedure. This usually means waiting until you’re at least 18 years old or older if you require a stronger prescription.

People who are looking for a safe, minimally invasive procedure with quick recovery time may benefit from Epi LASIK. It can be used to correct a range of vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.

Sometimes, however, Epi LASIK may be the best option for people with vision conditions that could benefit from a short-term solution. For example, those who have cataracts or need help with achieving better night vision may decide to opt for this procedure.

What is the procedure like? 

What is the procedure like? 

Epi LASIK is an outpatient procedure that generally takes less than 30 minutes per eye. Before the procedure, you will receive numbing eye drops to ensure that you are comfortable throughout the process. During the procedure, your surgeon will use a laser to reshape your cornea so that it can focus light more effectively on your retina, resulting in clearer vision. Afterward, many patients experience improved vision right away.

The procedure of Epi LASIK is minimally invasive, so it typically allows for little to no discomfort and a quick recovery time. The results of Epi LASIK can be felt immediately; however, the full result may take up to three months to become fully realized.

Epi LASIK works by reshaping the cornea with a laser. The laser is used to remove a very thin layer of cells from the surface of the cornea, which changes its shape. This allows the light that enters your eye to be properly focused, resulting in improved vision.

By undergoing Epi LASIK, you can achieve the sharper vision and a greater range of focus. It also helps reduce glare, halos, and starbursts around bright lights as well as providing improved night vision.

What should I do before my appointment?

Before your appointment, make sure you have the required documents ready such as your prescription, insurance information, and medical history. You should schedule a time for your appointment and arrive at the clinic well-rested and with enough time to complete all of the paperwork.

You will need to provide your eye exam doctor with a detailed description of your Lasik surgery experience including any pain or discomfort you experienced. The doctor will also want to know if you had any problems with glare or halos after surgery.

Be sure to bring your medications with you to the clinic in case you require them during or after surgery. Also, please bring a list of all your current eye medications to the appointment.

Also, be sure to bring any eyeglasses or contacts you may currently be using. If you are not able to wear glasses or contacts, please bring a description of what type of vision correction you are looking for.

How do I prepare for surgery?

There are a few things you can do to prepare for surgery.

1. Discuss your concerns and expectations with your surgeon.
2. Write down all the information you need before surgery, including your medical history, medications, and planned surgical procedures.
3. Create a list of any items you will need after surgery, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses, hospital bedding, or a wheelchair.
4. Make arrangements for someone to care for your pet while you’re away.
5. Arrange for transportation to and from the hospital following surgery.
6. Bring identification documents (such as a driver’s license) and cash if you plan on paying any post-op expenses yourself.

7. Bring a few magazines or books to keep you entertained.

After Surgery: Steps To Follow

After surgery: Everything you need to know

Epi-LASIK is a type of laser surgery that uses a miniature EpiLaser to remove hair, skin, and other tissue. The procedure is usually done on the face, but it can be done on other areas of the body as well.

There are a few things to keep in mind after having epilasik surgery. Some of these are:

Try To Avoid Sun Exposure: After surgery, you may want to avoid exposure to the sun for a few days to allow the wound to heal properly.

Avoid Extreme Cold: It is important to avoid extremely cold temperatures after surgery, as they can cause inflammation.

Take Medications As prescribed: Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor. This will help speed up the healing process. Also, follow any instructions for post-operative care that your doctor provides.

Epi-LASIK surgery is a safe and effective procedure that can help improve the appearance of your skin. Be sure to follow the advice of your doctor after having this type of surgery.


Epi LASIK is a cutting-edge procedure that has many advantages over other laser vision correction options. It can provide excellent results with minimal discomfort and faster recovery times, making it an attractive option for those looking to improve their vision. By using the advanced technology of Epi LASIK, you can be confident that your vision will be improved without any major complications or risks. Talk to your eye care provider today about whether Epi LASIK might be right for you and begin the process of regaining clear sight!

Lasik surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. MantraCare offers the most advanced LASIK options. If you have any questions on LASIK surgery feel free to reach out to us at +91-9711116605.