Femto LASIK: All About This LASIK Surgery

Femto Lasik

FEMTO LASIK is a new technology that has revolutionized eye surgery. This procedure uses light to correct vision problems and is performed on an outpatient basis. If you are considering Femto LASIK for your eye health, read on to learn all you need to know about this new technology. We’ll discuss how it works and what benefits it offers. We’ll also recommend some of the best clinics around that can help you get the surgery you deserve.

What is Femto-LASIK?


Femto laser eye surgery, also called FEMTO LASIK or mini LASIK, is a new form of laser eye surgery that uses a short-pulsed, high-intensity laser to perform the surgery. It is one of the most popular types of Lasik surgical procedures.

The procedure is done on an outpatient basis with no preoperative consultations required. The patient returns home after the procedure and can resume most normal activities the next day. The doctor will prescribe some medication for postoperative discomfort but it is generally very mild and short-lived. Most patients report excellent results from Femto laser eye surgery and see significant improvements in their vision within a few days after the procedure.

There are several different types of Femto Laser eye surgeries available:

FemtofcLASEK – This is a newer type of Femto laser that uses a rodless design to create a more accurate alignment of the eyes during surgery. It is more effective than other types of lasers in terms of creating a better outcome for patients.

Femto-LASIK – This is the original Femto laser technology used for performing Lasik procedures. It is considered to be the most common type of laser used in Lasik surgeries and produces good results for most patients.

Spectral-spatial frequency domain (SSFD) – This type of Femto laser uses an advanced imaging technique that allows doctors to customize their treatment specifically for each patient. It is thought to be more effective than other types of lasers in creating a better visual outcome.

Femto-LASIK using a photo-acoustic lens – This is a new type of Femto laser that uses an acoustic lens to create a deeper level of correction for patients with nearsightedness or farsightedness. It is more effective than other types of lasers in terms of creating a better visual outcome.

What are the Benefits of FEMTO LASIK?

What are the Benefits of FEMTO LASIK?

Femto laser LASIK is a type of laser eye surgery that uses the shortest and most advanced lasers in the world to correct your vision. Femto laser LASIK is one of the newer types of laser eye surgery, so there are still many unanswered questions about it. However, experts believe that Femto laser LASIK can offer some major benefits over other types of laser eye surgeries. Here are five reasons why you may want to consider this option:

1. It’s More Reliable Than Other Types of Laser Eye Surgery

Femto laser LASIK is more reliable than other types of laser eye surgery. This means that fewer complications will occur during your treatment, and you’ll have a better chance of seeing better results overall.

2. It Can Correct More Vision Problems

Femto laser can correct more vision problems than other types of laser eye surgery. This includes problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism, and presbyopia (progressing blindness).

3. You May Save Money on Your Treatment Plan

Compared to other types of laser eye surgery, Femto laser LASIK is typically cheaper. This is because it uses the most advanced lasers in the world, which means less downtime and fewer complications involved in your treatment process.

4. It Can Be More Quick and Efficient Than Other Types of Laser Eye Surgery

Femto laser LASIK can be quicker and more efficient than other types of laser eye surgery. This is because it uses a shorter wavelength laser, which is less damaging to your eyes.

5. It’s A Safe Option for Anyone Who Wants to Correct Their Vision

Femto laser Lasik is a safe option for anyone who wants to correct their vision. This includes people of all ages and both male and female patients.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of Femto laser LASIK, or if you’re already considering this option as your next step, please contact our office for a consultation. We can help you learn more about the procedure and how it may be right for you.

What are the risks of FEMTO LASIK?

The risks of FEMTO LASIK include the following:

 Eye pain

One of the main risks of FEMTO LASIK is eye pain. It may occur after the surgery or later on in the healing process. Eye pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect laser positioning, bleeding, and dry eyes.

Eye inflammation

Another potential risk of FEMTO LASIK is eye inflammation. This can occur after the surgery or later on in the healing process. Eye inflammation can cause vision problems, including blurred vision and difficulty seeing at night.

Blurred vision

Blurred vision is another potential complication of FEMTO LASIK. This can occur after the surgery or later on in the healing process. Blurred vision can make it difficult to do your everyday activities and can strain your relationship with friends and family.

Double vision

Also known as diplopia, double vision is a common side effect of FEMTO LASIK. Double vision can be caused by a variety of factors, including incorrect laser positioning, bleeding, and dry eyes.

Eyelash removal complications

Eyelash removal is one of the main complications of FEMTO LASIK. If the lash removal procedure is not performed correctly, it can lead to permanent damage to your eyes.

Scarring on the eye

An excessive amount of scar tissue can form on the eye after FEMTO LASIK. This scarring can cause vision problems and difficulty seeing at night.

How Much Does FEMTO LASIK Cost?

How Much Does FEMTO LASIK Cost?

FEMTO LASIK is a popular type of laser eye surgery that uses a tiny laser to correct vision. The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis and can be performed in about 20 minutes.

The cost of FEMTO LASIK varies depending on the patient’s insurance coverage but typically ranges from 20,000 to 60,000. Most patients require a few follow-up appointments post-surgery to make sure their vision has improved and any minor complications have been addressed.

Another factor that affects the cost of FEMTO LASIK is the eye surgery’s complexity. More complex procedures tend to incur higher costs. To cover the full cost of FEMTO LASIK, patients may need to supplement their coverage with some form of insurance. Also, some patients may be eligible for government or military insurance, which can provide significantly lower-cost options.

What are The Pre-Operative requirements For FEMTO LASIK?

To have successful LASIK surgery, patients must meet certain pre-operative requirements. These include good general health, no significant eye medical history, and no active corneal diseases. Additionally, patients must be in the good overall physical condition and have no other major medical conditions.

Patients should also avoid drinking alcohol for at least two weeks before the surgery and refrain from using any recreational drugs for four weeks before the procedure. This LASIK surgery is not recommended for pregnant women or those with a history of any type of serious eye issue.

Also,  patients should make an appointment with their surgeon as soon as possible to schedule a pre-operative consultation. The consultation is an important opportunity for the surgeon to assess the patient’s eligibility for surgery and to discuss any potential risks and complications.

What Are The Post-Operative Requirements For Femto LASIK?

After undergoing FEMTO LASIK surgery, patients are typically advised to take it easy for the first few days post-operation. This includes limiting activities that cause pain or discomfort and resting as much as possible.

Patients should also avoid reading in direct sunlight or using any type of bright light source until the healing process is complete. The use of artificial eye drops may also be prescribed at first to help lubricate the eyes and reduce inflammation.

Most patients can resume most normal activities within a few days, but they should continue to follow all post-operative instructions closely.

Some patients may experience some temporary visual challenges following surgery, which typically resolve over time. It is important to speak with a doctor if these difficulties do not improve within a few weeks.

How Long Does It Take For Femto LASIK?

How Long Does It Take For Femto LASIK?

The duration of this LASIK procedure is typically between 15-20 minutes. Generally, the patient will be in and out of the surgery center within an hour. After the procedure is complete, most patients notice improved vision after a few days and full results within two weeks.

During the procedure, the doctor will create a corneal flap using the femtosecond laser. This is done without any blade or incision to the eye and is virtually painless for most patients. After the flap is created, an excimer laser is used to reshape the underlying structures of your eye to correct vision irregularities.

Most patients report little to no pain or discomfort during the procedure. After this LASIK is complete, some patients may experience mild irritation or dryness in their eyes, but this should pass within a few days.

It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions when it comes to post-operative care to ensure the best possible results. This typically involves using eye drops, wearing protective sunglasses, and avoiding strenuous activities for a few days after the procedure.


Millions of people worldwide have undergone laser-assisted in situ keratomileuses (LASIK), or FEMTO LASIK, to restore their vision. This popular surgery is now being offered at more than 2,000 facilities across the world. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about FEMTO LASIK, from the benefits it offers to the preoperative preparations you should make. By reading this article, you’ll be well on your way to making an informed decision about whether or not this surgery is right for you.

Lasik surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. MantraCare offers the most advanced LASIK options. If you have any questions on LASIK surgery feel free to reach out to us at +91-9711116605.